欧阳阳 Ōuyáng Yáng:
7:57 欧阳神算
Ōuyáng shénsuàn
Ōuyáng Divination:
7:58 身心顺安
Shēnxīn shùn ān
Revitalize mind and body.
8:00 看风水治痛经
Kàn fēngshuǐ zhì tòngjīng
Treat menstrual pain using feng shui.

欧阳阳 Ōuyáng Yáng:
8:01 她来的那几天记得call我
Tā lái dì nà jǐ tiān jìdé call wǒ
On those days when it comes remember to call me,
8:03 随叫随到
Suí jiào suí dào
I'll arrive immediately.
8:04 包治包好呦
Bāo zhì bāo hǎo yōu
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Female Attendant:
8:06 长得倒是挺好看的
Zhǎng dé dǎoshì tǐng hǎokàn de
Sure, he's good looking,
8:09 可惜脑子秀逗了
Kěxí nǎozi xiùdòu le
it's a pity his brain has a loose wire.

Female Attendant:
8:10 老娘都绝经十几年了
Lǎoniáng dōu juéjīng shí jǐ niánle
I've been menopausal for more than ten years.
欧阳阳 Ōuyáng Yáng:
8:12 人活着就要相信奇迹
Rén huózhe jiù yào xiāngxìn qíjī
To be alive is to believe in miracles!
Female Attendant:
8:15 你妈生你就是个奇迹
Nǐ mā shēng nǐ jiùshì gè qíjī
Your mother giving birth to you is a miracle!

Translator 译者:鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng