There seemed to be more relationship related words in this episode:
1. (6:46) 压马路
yà mǎlù
stroll around the streets,
especially of a young couple
2. (7:38) 撩妹
[colloquial] to flirt
3. (14:58) 家暴 [abbreviation for 家庭暴力]
domestic violence
4. (17:13) 媒婆
5. (19:48) 强吻
to forcefully kiss
6. (21:28) 他们不仅没有分开
tāmen bùjǐn méiyǒu fèn kāi
(21:29) 反而感情更加深厚了
fǎn'ér gǎnqíng gèngjiā shēnhòule
Not only did they not break up,
on the contrary, they deepened their emotional intimacy.
Translator: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

I learned a new slang:
7:36 我勒个去 wǒ lè gè qù Shoot! / Crap!
勒 lè to rein in; to compel; to force
I also learned two new idioms:
1. (0:54) 弱不禁风 ruò bùjīn fēng "too weak to stand up to the wind"
extremely delicate; fragile state of health
禁 jīn to endure
2. (12:18) 劳逸结合 láoyì jiéhé work life balance
劳 láo to toil
逸 yì leisure
My two favorite phrases:
1. (0:56) 碰瓷儿 pèngcír scam
碰 pèng bump
瓷 cí porcelain
2. (9:22) 开小差 kāi xiǎo chāi
to be absent-minded; to desert; to abscond from the army; absent without leave (AWOL)
开 kāi open
小 xiǎo small
差 chāi to send; mission

To make things more confusing the word 差 has four different pronunciations and meanings:
1. 差 chà to differ from; to fall short of; lacking; wrong; inferior
2. 差 chā difference; discrepancy; to differ; error; to err; to make a mistake
3. 差 cī irregular; uneven
4. 差 chāi to send; to commission; messenger; mission
Examples of 1 差 chà
差点 chàdiǎn almost; nearly
差劲 chàjìn bad; no good; below average; disappointing
相差 xiāngchà to differ; discrepancy between
不差 bùchà not bad; OK
Examples of 2 差 chā
差别 chābié difference; distinction; diversity; disparity
差错 chācuò mistake; slip-up; fault; error (in data transmission); accident; mishap
偏差 piānchā bias; deviation
时差 shíchā time difference; time lag; jet lag
不差 bùchā to not lack
Examples of 3 差 cī
参差 cēncī uneven; jagged; snaggletooth; ragged; serrated
屈光参差 qū guāng cēncī anisometropia
Examples of 4 差 chāi
差事 chāishi errand; assignment; job; commission
差派 chāipài to dispatch
出差 chūchāi to go on an official or business trip
邮差 yóuchāi postman
信差 xìnchāi messenger
My favorite sentence in the series thus far:
21:13 神喻,这世间没有显灵一说,一切所见,不过都是人们内心处最深的渴望,一切都只是你的想象。
Shén yù, zhè shìjiān méiyǒu xiǎnlíng yī shuō, yīqiè suǒ jiàn, bùguò dōu shì rénmen nèixīn chù zuìshēn de kěwàng yīqiè dōu zhǐshì nǐ de xiǎngxiàng.
Divine Revelation: There are no physical manifestations in this world, everything that people see is just the deep yearning within their own hearts, everything exists only in your imagination.
Translator: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Above panel is translated by MTL Asana.