珠帘玉幕 Pearl Curtains & Jade Drapes Episode 14 [Excerpt]
灵契 Spiritpact, Volume 5, Chapter 586 [Excerpt]
All Caught Up, Spiritpact
灵契 Spiritpact, Volume 5, Chapter 561 [Excerpt]
Spiritpact Volume 4 Ending
Xiren's Lament
粉面含春 Blush [Excerpt]
仙袂乍飄兮 Suddenly [Excerpt]
鬓边不是海棠红 Sideburns are Not Begonia Red 2
Finished Reading Spiritpact Volume 4!
浮木 Driftwood [Excerpt]
仙尊奶爸当赘婿 Divine Stay-At-Home Dad Living At Wife's Parents' House 41 [Excerpt]
The Penguin Café at the Edge of the World [Excerpt]
帝王攻略 The Emperor's Strategy, Episode 16 [Excerpt]
《穿越成反派要如何活命》How to Survive As a Villain 206 [Excerpt]
梦溪石《千秋》Thousand Autumns, Chapter 101 [Excerpt]
《道德经》第六十章 Dao De Jing 60 [Excerpt]
徐小斌《水晶婚》Crystal Wedding, Chapter 1
三十而已 Only Thirty, Episodes 41-43 [Vocabulary]
三十而已 Only Thirty, Episodes 35-40 [Vocabulary]