Gù héngbō cháo chǎng biān mǒu chù kànle hǎojǐ yǎn, hūrán dào:“Shānzhōng wú lǎohǔ, hóuzi chēng bàwáng, wǒ yě qù huì huì tā!”
Gù HéngBō glanced at the matches several times and suddenly said: "When there are no tigers in the mountain, the monkey declares himself king. I'll go challenge him!"
Shuō bà méi děng shěn qiáo zǔzhǐ, biàn tíqián xiàchǎng, zhí bēn duìfāng ér qù.
After speaking, before Shěn Qiáo could stop her, she headed towards the matches, without waiting for her turn, went directly to her opponent.
Tā dì měimào běn jiù yàoyǎn, cǐ shí cóngtiān'érjiàng gèng shì xīyǐnle quán chǎng zhùmù, wáng sānláng duìzhe qítā rén xīn gāo qì ào, dàn zhàn zài gù héngbō miànqián, què lùchū shòuchǒngruòjīng de biǎoqíng, hái ná chū shìjiā zǐdì de qiān qiān qìdù:“Dāojiàn wú yǎn, wéikǒng shāngle xiānzǐ, bùrú wòshǒu yán hé bà?”
She was already dazzlingly beautiful, arriving suddenly as if descending from the heavens, it attracted even more attention. Wáng SānLáng, usually so cocky and haughty, now seemed overwhelmed by her presence. He switched to the courteous tone of a wealthy nobleman: "Swords are blind. It would be grievous to injure a fairy, so let's call it a draw and end it peacefully."
Gù héngbō dàndàn dào:“Yuánlái géxià shàngchǎng bùshì wèile qiēcuō wǔyì, ér shì kàn rén xià cài dié láile?”
Gù HéngBō said flatly: "So, this gentleman is not here to compete in martial arts but rather only here for the dishes*."
Wáng sānláng méi xiǎngdào měirén chūkǒu jìng rúcǐ qiāng rén, zì gǎnshòule wǔrǔ:“Zìrán bùshì!”
Wáng SānLáng did not expect this beauty to be so tart, he choked on her words and felt insulted: "Of course not!"
Gù héngbō chū jiàn:“Nà jiù qǐng bà!”
Gù HéngBō drew her sword: "Then, let's begin!"
[*Translation Note: 看人下菜 means to decide what dishes to serve according to the guest, in other words to treat a person according to their social standing, or to be snobbish. The previous line is about how Wáng SānLáng will not fight Gù HéngBō, so he's treating her differently than the other contestants. By using 看人下菜 she's saying that he's being prejudiced by refusing to fight her.]
Translator: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng
