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𠿛讯博客 A Lunatic's Blog

Writer: 鸑岚朠 Phoenix MoonMist鸑岚朠 Phoenix MoonMist

Updated: Nov 13, 2024


Once there was a lady, name withheld, with whom I was good college friends. We had not talked for many years and gradually lost contact. A few days ago, by chance, I heard she had suddenly disappeared. I wanted to send her a Christmas card, but I got a new cell phone and lost her contact information, so I asked her family. Surprisingly, they knew nothing. One night, she vanished like smoke. Her phone was shut off. The only thing that remained in the empty room was a shelf full of mathematics textbooks. She had been missing for a year and a half. Before the pandemic, she loved to blog, but I was too busy and never read it. I had to think for a long time before I remembered the blog link. Astonishingly, it actually opened. I recalled she used a pseudonym, Lǔ Xùn, to hide her identity. In order to maintain privacy, I removed names, dates, and locations.

 Lǔ Xùn¹ Blog



After driving a total of 17 hours, I finally arrived. The first to welcome me was an orange squirrel, resembling Donald Trump's dyed blond hair and fake spray-on tan. Upon entering the apartment, immediately I felt I had overpaid. The rent was higher than when I lived in X, X, or X, but the space was smaller. They refused to rent cheaper apartments to me, saying my annual salary exceeds $X. I thought I had misheard. Since when was making too much money a reason not to rent someone an apartment?





On my first day of work, I couldn’t enter the building. Even with a keycard, the door remained firmly locked. I was stuck waiting. I had to follow coworkers coming in and out. I didn’t have a designated desk. My manager placed me in someone else’s office, without a computer. I had to use my own personal laptop, and, with significant difficulty, was able to get a little bit of work done via VPN. However, my laptop was not connected to the company’s printers, so I could not print the documents I needed.




Today, a coworker asked me why I was suddenly sitting near his corner. Only after 53 days, did they give me a designated place to sit with a computer. So I complained to him, and said that it took two weeks for my to keycard work, and almost two months before I was issued a computer. His mouth dropped open in astonishment. He replied that his experience was entirely different. We started at the same time. On the first day, he had an office with a computer and even a laptop to work from home anytime. Of course, we were treated differently – he’s a white man.

有时候女同事会匆匆忙忙地往家里跑说要回去给老公做饭。她老公又没生病又不残废,饿不死。我建议她去看《芭比》(Barbie)电影。她说特别想看可是老公没有兴趣,所以不能去看。我觉得我简直就是进入了《继福妻子》(The Stepford Wives)电影里。



One woman in the office sometimes rushes home to cook for her husband. He is neither ill nor handicapped. He certainly will not starve to death. I recommended the Barbie movie to her. She said she really wants to watch, but her husband isn’t interested, so she can’t. It’s like I have stepped into a scene from The Stepford Wives.










When my coworker discovered that I was single, she immediately became my matchmaker. I never asked her to be my matchmaker, nor do I want her to be my matchmaker. She asked me all day long about what type of man I like. It’s so annoying.

“He must make more money than you, right?”

“That doesn’t matter to me. He must be smarter than me.”

“Finally! You’re willing to tell me what you like.”

“He must be a feminist. I want an equal relationship.”

“Oh! I know a very nice man. He’s never hit a woman, not even once.”




“最好还是在家里教育,不要送去公立学校。学校一点都不管品德,让孩子胡乱看书像《性别酷儿》(Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe)。”













我不明白一个人要买这么多枪干什么,也不敢问。他们像十字军,正在准备打仗。 “你要是有心,想为共和党做小官,教会将提供财政支持。”



电视上的天气预报: “明天会下大雨,后天会结冰。星期天早上去教堂要小心!”








It was almost time to get off work, when a coworker asked if anyone wanted to go sing karaoke. I hesitated for a moment because I had not finished my homework. I had not told anyone I was taking classes in the evenings. Maybe I can just pop in and pop out. My matchmaker also hesitated, afraid her husband would be angry.

I assumed my coworkers would rent a karaoke room, but it was actually a bar. In the front of the bar were two microphones; there was a woman singing, and a man accompanying her. The music had a vibrant Caribbean beat, which made me want to jump up and dance. On every wall was a screen displaying the lyrics, also on every wall was a TV and the national flag. There wasn’t a single peaceful place to rest my eyes. One TV screen was broadcasting the weather, another TV screen was broadcasting political news. The TVs were muted, with the subtitles turned on. If I stay here too long, I’ll get dizzy. I’m not a good singer, assuming I would be in a private room, I was going to sing at most one song and leave. But I was definitely too shy to sing in front of strangers at a bar! I told my coworkers I’d just listen today and sing another time.


I listened to my coworkers chatting. The women were talking about parenting.

“It’s best to homeschool. Don’t send your kids to public school. They don’t care about morals and let children read books like Gender Queer.”

I’ve read Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe and thought it was a good book, worth reading. I think children should read it.

“However, that book is still available at the public library.”

“They did a great job at X Public Library! When the library tried to push these books on the kids, the parents protested to shut the library down.”

I read about what happened at X Public Library in the news, and it really did shut down for many months. The library closest to me also shut down. They said it was due to an accident. It caught on fire. Now, I am beginning to suspect ...

“The textbooks are also problematic. The history books were written to disgrace us. The children will feel ashamed and lose confidence.”

They are talking about censoring slavery from the US history textbooks. I think the US can learn from Germany. They do not deny their Nazi past, and teach their children not to repeat past mistakes.

“Evolution is wrong. It is clearly written in the Bible that God created man.”

These people probably do not believe in science and have not been vaccinated.

“Homeschooling will ensure proper education of children to love God, love our nation, and obey their parents.”

Other than loving God, this sounded exactly like Confucianism. So, I didn’t want to listen anymore.


Meanwhile, the men were talking about a gun show.

“The last gun show I went to was so inspiring! There were so many President Trump patriots, selling Trump shirts, hats, flags, everything!”

I don’t understand why anyone needs so many guns, and I’m afraid to ask. It’s like they are in the Holy Crusades, preparing for battle.

“If you’re serious about serving the Republican Party, and want to run for public office, the church will provide financial support.”

“The church will always protect life and be against abortion.”

I felt deeply distraught.

The weather report stated: “It will rain tomorrow and freeze overnight. Be careful going to church in the morning!”

I turned my attention to that lively Caribbean beat and realized she was singing about “loving Jesus”. Many of the songs selected were love songs with religious undertones. Every song had the two words, “Love” and “God”. I listened carefully to the lyrics, and started hearing words in between the silent spaces of the melody. Every song had the two words, “Marry him!”

The words in the lyrics, along with my coworker’s conversations ...

Everyone stared at me strangely, smiling.

“Snap out of it! I want to introduce you to someone, right now. What do you think?”

I slipped out when she wasn’t paying attention. I’m afraid I’ll be swallowed alive!



Pascal's triangle is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients used in probability theory, combinatorics, and algebra. A diagram of the first eight rows of Pascal’s triangle:

每个数字都是其正上方两个数字的和,空白条目视为 0。第一行的数字是 1,1 的左边是空白条目视为 0,0 和 1 之和是第二行左边的1。第四行左边的3是第三行左边的1和2之和。

Each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it, and blank entries are designated as 0. The number in the first row is 1, the blank entry to the left of 1 is treated as 0. The sum of 0 and 1 is the 1 in the second row to the left. The 3 in the fourth row to the left is the sum of 1 (left) and 2 in the third row.


Pascal's triangle is used in the calculation of combinations. The number of combinations of n items taken k at a time can be calculated by the following equation:

“n!”是所有小于或等于 n 的正整数的乘积,“0!” 视为 1。

"n!" is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n, and "0!" is designated as 1.

例如 n = 5,那 n! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1。例如 k = 3,那 k! = 3 × 2 × 1。

If n = 5, then n! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1. If k = 3, then k! = 3 × 2 × 1.


This formula can be used to calculate numbers from Pascal's triangle. The first six rows of Pascal's triangle:

帕斯卡三角是二项式方程的系数。二项式的 n 正整数次幂使用帕斯卡三角的第 n 行作为二项式展开式的系数。例如 n = 2,

Pascal's triangle is an array of the coefficients of the binomial expansion. A binomial raised to a positive integer power of n, uses the nth row of Pascal's triangle as the coefficients of the binomial expansion. For example, if n = 2, then

系数是帕斯卡三角第 n = 2 行的数字:

The coefficients are the numbers in the row n = 2 of Pascal's triangle:

帕斯卡三角在帕斯卡时代之前就已为人所知。波斯数学家阿尔卡拉吉 (Al-Karaji,953–1029) 写了一本现已遗失的书,其中包含二项式系数的公式和帕斯卡三角的最早描述。后来波斯通才奥马尔·海亚姆(Omar Khayyám,1048–1131)也写到帕斯卡三角,因此在伊朗被称为海亚姆三角 (مثلث خیام)。

十一世纪,由于中国开封数学家贾宪(1010–1070)的研究,帕斯卡三角在中国广为人知。1261 年中国最早的三角插图出自杨辉(1238–1298)的《詳解九章算法》,因此在中国仍被称为杨辉三角。杨辉三角也出现在朱世杰(1249–1314)的数学著作《四元玉鉴》,出版于1303年。

十三世纪杨辉三角在欧洲首次出现于乔丹努斯·德·内莫尔(Jordanus de Nemore)的《算术》。在意大利,杨辉三角被称为塔塔利亚三角,以尼科洛·丰塔纳·塔塔利亚(Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia,1500-1577)命名。

法国数学家布莱斯·帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal,1623- 1662)的《算术三角论文》(Traité du triangle arithmétique)于 1665 年,他去世后,出版。1708 年皮埃尔·雷蒙德·蒙莫尔(Pierre Raymond de Montmort,1678- 1719)称其为“帕斯卡先生的组合表”(Table de M. Pascal pour les combinaisons)。1730 年亚伯拉罕·德·莫弗尔(Abraham de Moivre,1667- 1754)将杨辉三角称为“帕斯卡算术三角”(Triangulum Arithmeticum PASCALIANUM),这成为现代西方名称的来源。

Pascal's triangle was known well before Pascal's time. The Persian mathematician Al-Karaji (953–1029) wrote a now-lost book which contained the formulation of the binomial coefficients and the first description of Pascal's triangle. Later, the Persian polymath Omar Khayyám (1048–1131) also wrote about Pascal's triangle, so, in Iran, it is referred to as Khayyám's triangle (مثلث خیام).

Pascal's triangle was well known in China during the 11th century as a result of the research of Chinese mathematician Jiǎ Xiàn (1010–1070). The earliest Chinese illustration of the triangle is in the 1261 book Nine Chapters Explaining Calculation Methods by Yáng Huī (1238–1298), so it is still called Yáng Huī's triangle in China. Yáng Huī's triangle also appears in Zhū ShìJié's (1249–1314) mathematical work Jade Mirror of the Four Unknowns, published in 1303.

In the 13th century, Yáng Huī's triangle appeared for the first time, in Europe, in the Arithmetic by Jordanus de Nemore. In Italy, the Yáng Huī’s triangle is known as the Tartaglia’s triangle, named after Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (1500-1577).

French mathematician Blaise Pascal's (1623- 1662) Treatise on Arithmetical Triangle (Traité du triangle arithmétique) was published posthumously in 1665. In 1708, Pierre Raymond de Montmort (1678-1719) called it "Mr. Pascal's table for combinations" (Table de M. Pascal pour les combinaisons). In 1730, Abraham de Moivre referred to Yáng Huī's triangle as "Pascal's Arithmetic Triangle" (Triangulum Arithmeticum PASCALIANUM), which became the basis of the modern Western name.

# secretlylovemath












I think I offended my matchmaker. Today, she said, “You ignored all the men I introduced to you.”

“I don’t have the time or energy to date.”

“You’re how old? Aren’t you worried?”

“I don’t want to be a mother, or give birth. Why do I need a man?”

“Everyone says that when they’re young. You can’t keep being single forever. You’re going to regret it!


“Oh! Are you a lesbian?!”

I feel like I am locked in a cage called heteronormativity, and locked in stocks and chains called the patriarchy.

今天数学教授又说我写的定理证明不对,像去加油站买橙汁。昨天她说写定理证明应该像剥香蕉,可是我写得像在剥洋蓟。前天我问教授我写的定理证明为什么不对,她反问,“存在一个紫麒麟,使得 | g(x) - c | < ε 任何时候 | x - a | < 紫麒麟。紫麒麟存在吗?”



Today my math professor said my proof is wrong, again; it’s as if I went to the gas station to get orange juice. Yesterday, she said writing a proof should be like peeling a banana, but I write as if I’m peeling an artichoke. The day before yesterday, I asked the professor why my proof was wrong, she rebutted, “There exists a purple unicorn such that

| g(x) - c | < ε any time | x - a | < purple unicorn. Does a purple unicorn exist?”

I failed two tests in a row. Working while studying at the same time is too exhausting. But I have no other choice, I have to pay tuition.






















Early this morning, I finally found time to call my best friend from a public phone booth. We talked for a long time. She was worried that I would become brainwashed if I lived in chauvinistic X for too long.

“Don’t get a boyfriend in X!”

“I came to study Real Analysis with Professor X, you know that. I never once thought about settling down here.”

“There’s really no one that you like? Not a single classmate or coworker?”

“If a man is interested in me, he must first watch and understand the Barbie movie. Only then will he have the privilege of conversing with me. Of course, I mean cisgender men. I welcome nonbinary and bigender people with open arms.”

“There are nonbinary and bigender people in X?”

“Of course! I met a nonbinary person at the café next to the office. I see them almost every day, but I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them recently.”

“How’s work going? Are you able to balance everything?”

“Ugh, it's still the same. I don't want to talk about it. But recently I noticed a phenomenon: the smaller the ball, the higher the salary. Entry level workers like to play basketball, middle management like to play tennis, and directors like to play golf.”

“What about the CEO, president, and chairperson of the board?”

“How would I know? I’m just a peasant, they are aristocrats. We don’t cross paths.”

“Smaller ball ... a marble is smaller than a golf ball. Maybe they play marbles. Hunting humans with marbles, by shooting a marble into the eye.”

“You’re so cruel!”

“I was just letting my mind wander.”

“Any progress on your business venture?”

“Only today did I figure out the difference between the CEO, president, and chairperson of the board.”

“I went to X to attend X's wedding and overheard a conversation between a mother and daughter. The mother was explaining stocks and bonds to her daughter. The daughter looked less than ten years old.”

“Ah! We never had a chance!”

“The uncrossable chasm that separates the peasants from the aristocracy isn't just money. It's connections with the social elite, authority, power, insider information, etc.”







The swan is faithful and true, the rabbit is burning with desire, the elephant is compassionate and considerate, ...

It was pitch black. I have no idea what time of night it was, when I woke up to the wailing of sirens.

Is it possible that my best friend guessed right? What if they really did use marbles to hunt humans? How horrific! I am beginning to suspect that maybe the nonbinary person really was murdered by a marble.





















“你再考虑考虑吧。我老公想给你介绍他公司的一位同事。他是基督徒,参加基本生活原则学院(Institute in Basic Life Principles)。”

这学院怎么听着耳熟,想起《闪亮快乐人》(Shiny Happy People)纪录片讲述基本生活原则学院的一些政治活动。我开始怀疑她和酒吧那些人是不是一伙?

她全家都是共和党,都给特朗普投票。有一天,我问她,“为什么选择共和党?” 她说,“因为父母是共和党。” 我又问,“中国人因他而受侮辱,你难道一点都不在意吗?”




No moonlight at all, something is amiss. I cautiously went out to get the mail this morning, and discovered a Christmas card from X. I suspect this is a trap. How did she find me? Other than my best friend, I didn’t tell anyone my address. X’s contact information was on the card, so I went to the public phone booth to call her.

“You must promise not to tell anyone about our conversation.”

“Okay, I promise.”

“How did you find me?”

“I found your Lǔ Xùn Blog.”

“Have you told anyone where I live?”

“No. Why are you so scared?”

“My family didn't say anything?”

“Nothing, only that your cell phone is shut off.”

“I was worried they would trace me through my cell phone.”

“What happened to make you so afraid?”

“They tried to force me into an arranged marriage.”

“What? Hahaha, you’re joking, right?”

“After college, I wanted to continue my studies and obtain a doctorate. My parents absolutely refused and said if I dared to apply, they would kick me out of the house. My mother said a girl with a bachelor’s degree is already overeducated, and I must marry by the end of the year. I still secretly applied, but my father found out. My father asked me why I insisted on making things so hard for myself. I can marry a wealthy man, stay home, and have fun artsy hobbies, and what not. Besides, even if I got in, I will be sure to fail out, I’ll never finish. He said he would lock me up at home and tell people that I’m sick and need rest. If I still refuse to marry, then he’ll feed me sleeping pills and send me to a psychiatric hospital. I managed to escape right before sunrise.”

“Your parents are caring and understanding. I don’t believe they would actually do it. They were just saying that to scare you. This proves that your parents love you very much.”

“Did my parents ask you to find me?”

“No, really, they didn’t. I just wanted to send you a Christmas card and invite you to my family’s Christmas party.”

I remember going to her family’s Christmas party before the pandemic. She was newly married, and couldn’t stop smiling. Her husband waited until we were alone. He pretended to admire my necklace, using that as an excuse to touch it, brushed against my breast. At that moment, she walked in. I couldn’t tell if she really didn’t see or pretended not to see. After that incident, I never went to her house again.

“Oh, I live too far away to go.”

“Why don’t you take some time to think about it? My husband wants to introduce you to a coworker from his company. He’s a Christian and attends the Institute in Basic Life Principles.”

Why did this institute sound so familiar? I recalled the docuseries Shiny Happy People mentioned some of the political activities of the Institute in Basic Life Principles. I am beginning to think that she’s affiliated with the people at the karaoke bar.

Her entire family is Republican and voted for Trump. One day, I asked her, “Why did you choose the Republican Party?” She replied, “Because my parents are Republicans.” Then, I asked, “Chinese people are being disrespected because of him. Doesn’t it bother you?”

The Republican Party and Confucianism have similar values. No wonder so many Chinese people voted for Trump.

Look at her words, “This proves that your parents love you very much.” Along with the karaoke lyrics, and my coworker’s conversations, this is clearly a secret signal. Her words are full of poison and her laughter is full of knives. With white razor sharp teeth all lined up, they are going to swallow me alive!







The moonlight tonight is beautiful.

The US presidential election will be on Tuesday, November 5th, this year.

Save the children ...



Lǔ Xùn


January 22, 2024


¹This is a parody of 鲁迅 《狂人日记》Lǔ Xùn's Diary of a Madman (1918), which was in turn inspired by Nikolai Gogol's Diary of a Madman (1835).

Translator 译者: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

on April 6, 2024


©2024 Phoenix MoonMist ​鸑岚朠

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