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灵契 Spiritpact, Chapter 231

Writer: 鸑岚朠 Phoenix MoonMist鸑岚朠 Phoenix MoonMist

Updated: Aug 8, 2024


Yǒngyuǎn de shǎo zhǎng mén (bā)

Young Clan Chief For All Eternity (Part Eight)

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Shǎo zhǔrén shì yīgè hěn píngjìng de rén, yīgè rén de shíhòu jīhū dōu méiyǒu shé me qíngxù bōdòng,

The Young Master is a very serene person, when alone he is nearly always in a state of equanimity.

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Dànshì zài rénqián, què zǒng shì wéixiào.

However around others, he's always smiling.

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Biérén yǎnzhōng tā shì wànmín zhī shàng de dà jìsī.

Everyone else views him as the High Priest of the entire human race,


Zài wǒ kàn lái……

but to me ...

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Tā zhǐshì yīgè pīnmìng nǔlì yǐ qiú biérén yīsī kuājiǎng de xiǎo háizi.

he's just a child desperately striving for a tiny shred of praise.

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Shǎo zhǎng mén, yǐhòu bùyào suíbiàn duì biérén wéixiào, míngbái ma?

Young Clan Chief, from now on don't smile at others so carelessly. Do you understand?


Sītú lán, qiánrèn zhǎng mén duānmù yín míngméizhèngqǔ de fūrén,

SīTú Lán (the official legal wife of the former Clan Chief DuānMù Yín),

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Chúle tài nǎinai, qíshí tā jiùshì duānmù jiā zhēnzhèng shǒu wò shíquán de rén.

except for Great Grandmother, is in fact the person with real power in the DuānMù family.


Shǎo zhǎng mén de chūshēn, jíshǐ shénme dōu bù zuò yě zúgòu chù zhè wèi fūrén de nì lín le.

Without even doing anything, Young Clan Chief's birth alone is enough to make her blood boil.

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Xiànzài yòu duóle zhǎng mén wèi, ràng tā xiǎng fúchí zìjǐ qīn érzi shàngwèi de xiǎngfǎ yě chéngle pàoyǐng.

Now that he's seized the position of Clan Chief, her plans of elevating her own son to that position has turned into a pipe dream.

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Děng děng……

Wait a minute ...


Duānmù yín……

DuānMù Yín ...


bùshì nǐ diē ma?

Isn't he your dad?

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:




杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Nà tā, zhège nǚrén bùshì nǐ mā?

Then isn't that woman your mom?

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:




杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Wǒ yǐnyuē wén dào yī gǔzi háomén ēnyuàn de gǒu xuè qìxí……

I'm getting a whiff of filthy rich people's problems.

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


bùshì nǐ xiǎng dì nà zhǒng……

It's not what you think ...

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Duānmù xī nǐ bù huì shì sīshēngzǐ ba?!

DuānMù Xī, were you born out of wedlock?!

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


Wǒ mǔqīn bùshì dì sān zhě!

My mother was not the other woman!

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Yě duì, nǐ jìrán shì jiālǐ de lǎodà, nà nǐ mā yīnggāi bùshì xiǎosān……

That's right, you're the heir apparent, so your mom can't be a mistress ...

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


Wǒ de huángquán zhī jìng nǐ bùshì dōu kànguòle ma? Zhēn me zhèxiē dōu bù zhīdào!

Didn't you access my Yellow Springs* Mirror and see everything? Why don't you know all of this already?

[*Translation Note: 黄泉 huángquán "Yellow Springs" is the underworld in Chinese mythology. It is similar to hell or Hades.]

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Kào! Wǒ shuōle wǒ zhǐ néng kàn, yòu tīng bù dào nǐmen xīnlǐ xiǎng shénme!

F*ck! I told you, I could only observe. I don't know what you all were thinking!

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Érqiě nǐ jiā là me duō qī dà gū bā dàyí de, bǐ guònián huí jiā rèn qīnqī hái lèi! Wǒ yào néng dōu fēn dé qīng cái yǒu guǐ!

Plus, you have a ginormous swarm of relatives, what with the aunts on your father's side and aunts on your mother's side, it's more tiring than having to pay my respects to each family member during New Years! It would be devilry to keep it all straight!

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


……Yǐ nǐ de zhìshāng, kěyǐ lǐjiě.

... with your IQ that is understandable.

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Qíshí……wǒ nà huì er wúliáo jīngcháng dàochù xiánguàng, hái měitiān qù ménwèi nà zhuī wán dāngnián méi kàn quán de huángjīn dǎng diànshìjù……

Actually ... I was bored and wandered around aimlessly. I went to the gatekeeper's place every day to binge watch that prime time TV series that I never finished ...

也不是所有事都看了…… 这事还是别告诉他了吧……

Yě bùshì suǒyǒu shì dōu kànle…… zhè shì háishì bié gàosù tāle ba……

So I didn't look at everything in the Yellow Springs Mirror. I probably shouldn't tell him ...

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Nà zhè dà fūrén de qīn érzi shì shéi ya? Wǒ rènshí ma?

Then who is Madam SīTú Lán's son? Do I know him?

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


Sì míng a.


杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:



Shá? Duānmù sì míng?

What? DuānMù SìMíng?


Nǐ shuō dài yǎnjìng nàgè?!

The one with the glasses?!

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:

就他 ——?他不是你的仆人吗?我一直以为他是你们家打杂的下人!

Jiù tā ——? Tā bùshì nǐ de púrén ma? Wǒ yīzhí yǐwéi tā shì nǐmen jiā dǎzá de xià rén!

Him? Isn't he your servant? I thought it was his job in the family to take care of the odds and ends!

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


Shuōhuà zhùyì diǎn, tā shì wǒ qīn dìdì!

Watch what you say! He's my little brother.

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


WTF! All this time I thought SìMíng and SìYún were brother and sister.

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


Sì yún shì wǒmen de táng mèi!

SìYún is our younger cousin!

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Nǐ hái shuō zhè bùshì gǒu xuè háomén jù?!

Are you sure this isn't a soap opera: Melodrama of the Rich and Powerful?!

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


Zhèxiē wǒ jìdé dì yī tiān dài nǐ huí jiā de shíhòu jiù yǐjīng dōu jièshàoguòle, shì nǐ zìjǐ méi gǎo qīngchǔ yuàn shéi?

I recall explaining all of this to you the first day I brought you home, you have no one to blame but yourself!

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Wò cáo nǐ wèn wèn dúzhě kàn dào xiànzài yǒu gǎo qīngchǔ de me? Yào yǒu wǒ gēn nǐ xìng a!

WTF! Why don't you go ask the readers if anyone can follow it all? Who wants to be related to you anyway?

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:


Duānmù jìng huá……

DuānMù JìngHuá ...


Zhè míngzì yě tài nántīngle diǎn.

It sounds jarring.

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Wǒ pēi!


神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Shǎo zhǎng mén de hòumǔ, tā kàn shǎo zhǎng mén de yǎnshén yuè lái yuè qíguàile,

The Young Clan Chief's stepmother leers at him with ever growing menace,

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Shǎo zhǎng mén yuè lái yuè chéngshú, yīngjùn, tā de cháng xiāng hé tā shēngfù yuè lái

as the Young Clan Chief is growing into a mature, handsome, eminently talented young man, looking more and more like his father.

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Wǒ zhīdào duānmù yín shìgè wánkù,

I know that DuānMù Yín was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.


shǎo zhǎng mén xiào qǐlái de shíhòu, hé tā jiǎnzhí yī mō yīyàng,

When the Young Clan Chief smiles, he's a living image of his father.

神龙章轩 ShénLóng ZhāngXuān:


Shǎo zhǎng mén xīnsī dānchún, duì zhè zhǒng shì gēnběn wúcóng chájué,

The Young Clan Chief is naïve and unware of these things.


wǒ zhǐ néng cóng měi yī jiàn xiǎoshì shàng bǎohù tā, xīwàng tā jiānglái bu huì bèi shānghài.

I can only protect him in these small ways, hoping that he will not be exploited in the future.

端木熙 DuānMù Xī:

那个时候,我并没有理解章轩的意思…… 直到后来…… 不过已经太迟了……

Nàgè shíhòu, wǒ bìng méiyǒu lǐjiě zhāng xuān de yìsi…… zhídào hòulái…… bùguò yǐjīng tài chíle……

At the time I did not understand what ZhāngXuān was saying. It wasn't until much later that I understood, but by then it was too late ...

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Chāojí bāguà xiǎng wèn

Dying to ask for the juicy details,


dàn yòu pà bèi duǐ

but afraid of getting a tongue-lashing.

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Bùguò zhèyàng yī shuō, wǒ jiù míngbái wèishéme nǐ zài jiālǐ zhème bù shòu dài jiànle……

Now I understand why your family dislikes you so much.


Tāmen jì bùxiǎng jiēshòu nǐ, yòu bùdé bù yīkào nǐ……

They don't want to accept you, yet they have to rely on you.

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:



DuānMù ...


hǎo xiǎng wèn yījù huà……

There's a question I really want to ask ...


yòu bù gǎn wèn……

but I don't dare ...

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:

既然如此,你为什么…… 还要待在端木家?

Jìrán rúcǐ, nǐ wèishéme…… hái yào dài zài duānmù jiā?

Things being the way they are, why do you still live here with the DuānMù family?

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Liú zài zhège ràng nǐ bù kāixīn dì dìfāng?

Staying in such a hostile environment?


Zuòzhe zhè zhǒng dā shàng zìjǐ xìngmìng de shì……

Putting your own life on the line.

杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:


Duānmù nǐ zhīdào ma? Zhīqián wǒ yīgè rén kàn de shíhòu hǎo wúliáo ó, bùguò xiànzài zánmen liǎng rén yīqǐ kàn jiù bù juédéliǎo.

DuānMù, did you know, before when I was watching by myself it was so boring, but now the two of us are watching together it doesn't feel boring at all.


Gēn yīqǐ chūlái kàn diànyǐng shì de ~

It's like going out to a movie ~


Yàoshi zàilái diǎn bào mǐhuā shénme de jiù wánměile!

All that's missing is some popcorn!


Translator 译者: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng Buy Me Tea

瓶子《灵契》Spiritpact by PíngZi


©2024 Phoenix MoonMist ​鸑岚朠

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