13:17 端木熙 端木熙 端木熙
DuānMù Xī! DuānMù Xī! DuānMù Xī!
端木熙 DuānMù Xī:
13:30 欢迎大家来看我最后的一场演出
huānyíng dàjiā lái kàn wǒ zuìhòu de yī chǎng yǎnchū
Welcome to my final performance!
13:33 这是一首
zhè shì yī shǒu
This song,
13:34 我为自己写的歌
wǒ wèi zìjǐ xiě de gē
I wrote it for myself.
13:36 我真的
wǒ zhēn de
I truly
13:38 非常非常喜欢唱歌
fēicháng fēicháng xǐhuān chànggē
really really love to sing!
13:43 春夏复秋冬
chūn xià fù qiūdōng
Spring and Summer once again turn into Autumn and Winter,
13:46 交替编织着未完的梦
jiāotì biānzhīzhe wèiwán de mèng
an interwoven braid of unfinished dreams.
13:51 我从不曾遗忘过
wǒ cóng bùcéng yíwàngguò
I have never forgotten
13:54 给的许诺
gěi de xǔnuò
my promise,
13:58 渐渐沉淀
iànjiàn chéndiàn
gradually sinking and settling,
14:01 就算回忆都变得斑驳
jiùsuàn huíyì dōu biàn dé bānbó
even if my murky memory becomes corroded
14:06 也值得去守候
yě zhídé qù shǒuhòu
it is still worth protecting.
14:12 无数光芒闪烁
wúshù guāngmáng shǎnshuò
Countless brilliant rays of flickering light
14:15 像银河般坠落
xiàng yínhé bān zhuìluò
like the Silver River of the Milky Way flowing down;
14:18 凝视你的眼眸
níngshì nǐ de yǎn móu
Gazing into your eyes,
14:22 有我想追寻的自由
yǒu wǒ xiǎng zhuīxún dì zìyóu
there, is the freedom that I am seeking.
14:25 岁月将祈愿都唱成歌
suìyuè jiāng qí yuàn dōu chàng chéng gē
Over the years, all wishes turn into songs,
14:28 越平凡的越深刻
yuè píngfán de yuè shēnkè
the more ordinary, the more profound.
14:30 遥遥未来
yáoyáo wèilái
In the distant future,
14:33 谁陪伴我
shéi péibàn wǒ
who will keep me company?
14:37 听风
tīng fēng
Listening to the wind,
14:42 吹拂过
feeling its caress,
14:46 今天的演出很成功
jīntiān de yǎnchū hěn chénggōng
Today's concert was a tremendous success!
14:48 谢谢大家
xièxiè dàjiā
Thank you everyone!
14:48 愿你
yuàn nǐ
I wish
14:54 陪我
péi wǒ
you will stand by me.
杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá:
14:54 这
14:56 就是那首MP3里的歌
jiùshì nà shǒu MP3 lǐ de gē
is that song from the iPod.
14:58 原来你经历过
yuánlái nǐ jīnglìguò
So you've experienced
15:00 新手埋葬梦想的痛苦
xīnshǒu máizàng mèngxiǎng de tòngkǔ
the pain of burying your dreams with your own hands.
Translator: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng Buy Me Tea
Editor: 源于饥饿
Season 2 Episode 6: https://youtu.be/wX2-R6wxJug
Comment: I don't particularly like this song much but I had to translate it in order to understand what he was saying.