Yup, I still like this series even six months later. I don't understand why they don't use Spiritpact as a textbook for learning Chinese, it's so much more effective. I'm learning a lot of things: cursing people out, conducting sacrificial offerings, the more olden classical language, lots of idioms, the sound of two boys kissing in an alleyway ...
I have reached the halfway point of Season 2, and it took me a little over 12 weeks, so that comes out to an average of 2 weeks per episode.
This is the most vocabulary heavy episode so far because there are a lot of conversations with elders so the speech is lot more formal and flowery.
1. 轨迹 guǐjì locus; orbit; trajectory; track
轨 guǐ course; path; track; rail
迹 jì footprint; mark; trace; vestige; sign; indication
2. 磊落 lěiluò big and stout; big-hearted; open and honest; continuous; repeated
3. 传奇 chuánqí legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song
4. 业界 yèjiè industry
5. 废弃 fèiqì to discard; to abandon (old ways); to invalidate
废 fèi to abolish; to abandon; to abrogate; to discard; to depose; to oust; crippled;
abandoned; waste
弃 qì to abandon; to relinquish; to discard; to throw away
6. 功绩 gōngjì feat; contribution; merits and achievements
7. 决断 juéduàn to make a decision; resolution; decisiveness; resolute
8. 承诺 chéngnuò to promise; to undertake to do something; commitment
9. 耽搁 dānge to tarry; to delay; to stop over
耽 dān to indulge in; to delay
搁 gē to place; to put aside; to shelve
10. 颁布 bānbù to issue; to proclaim; to enact (laws, decrees etc)
颁 bān to promulgate; to send out; to issue; to grant or confer
布 bù cloth; to declare; to announce; to spread; to make known
11. 威严 wēiyán dignified; imposing; august; awe-inspiring; awe; prestige; dignity
威 wēi power; might; prestige
严 yán tight (closely sealed); stern; strict; rigorous; severe; father; (Chinese surname)
12. 辜负 gūfù to fail to live up (to expectations); unworthy (of trust); to let down; to
betray (hopes); to disappoint
辜 gū crime; sin; (Chinese surname)
负 fù to bear; to carry (on one's back); to turn one's back on; to be defeated;
negative (math. etc)
13. 踩点 cǎidiǎn reconnoitre (of thieves and robbers); spy out the land before taking action
(variant of 踩道); keep time or keep in step (dance)
踩道 cǎidào to scout; to reconnoiter
14. 歧义 qíyì ambiguity; several possible meanings
歧 qí divergent; side road
义 yì justice; righteousness; meaning; foster (father etc); adopted; artificial (tooth,
limb etc); relationship; friendship; (Chinese surname); (Tw) abbr. for 义大利, Italy
15. 届时 jièshí when the time comes; at the scheduled time
届 jiè to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; measure word for events,
meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation)
16. 怠慢 dàimàn to slight; to neglect
怠 dài idle; lazy; negligent; careless
慢 màn slow
17. 越界 yuèjiè to cross a border; to overstep a bound
越 yuè to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more; generic word for
peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods; abbr. for
Vietnam 越南
界 jiè boundary; scope; extent; circles; group; kingdom (taxonomy)
18. 寄托 jìtuō to have somebody look after somebody; to entrust the care of somebody; to
place (hope etc) on
寄 jì to send; to mail; to entrust; to depend on; to attach oneself to; to live (in a
house); to lodge; foster (son etc)
托 tuō variant of 託; to trust; to entrust; to be entrusted with; to act as trustee
19. 厚望 hòuwàng great hopes; great expectations
厚 hòu thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich or strong in flavor; to favor; to
望 wàng full moon; to hope; to expect; to visit; to gaze (into the distance); to look
towards; towards
20. 免职 miǎnzhí to relieve somebody of his post; to sack; to demote; dismissal; sacking
免 miǎn to excuse somebody; to exempt; to remove or dismiss from office; to
avoid; to avert; to escape; to be prohibited
职 zhí office; duty
21. 不负 bùfù (literary) live up to
负 fù to bear; to carry (on one's back); to turn one's back on; to be defeated;
negative (math. etc)
22. 誓约 shìyuē oath; vow; pledge; promise
誓 shì oath; vow; to swear; to pledge
约 yuē to make an appointment; to invite; approximately; pact; treaty; to economize;
to restrict; to reduce (a fraction); concise
23. 辞退 cítuì to dismiss; to discharge; to fire
辞 cí to resign; to dismiss; to decline; to take leave; ballad (archaic poetic genre);
variant of 詞
退 tuì to retreat; to decline; to move back; to withdraw
Four word phrases:
1. 玩忽职守 wánhū zhíshǒu to neglect one's duty; dereliction of duty; malpractice
玩忽 wánhū to neglect; to trifle with; not to take seriously
职守 zhíshǒu duty; responsibility; post
玩 wán to play; to have fun; to trifle with; toy; something used for amusement; curio or
antique; to keep something for entertainment
忽 hū to neglect; to overlook; to ignore; suddenly; (Chinese surname)
职 zhí office; duty
守 shǒu to guard; to defend; to keep watch; to abide by the law; to observe (rules
or ritual); nearby; adjoining
2. 尽职尽责 jìnzhí jìnzé responsible and diligent (idiom)
尽职 jìnzhí to discharge one's duties; conscientious
尽责 jìnzé to do one's duty; to do one's bit conscientiously
职 zhí office; duty
尽 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to
the limit (of something); all; entirely
责 zé duty; responsibility; to reproach; to blame
职责 zhízé duty; responsibility; obligation
职 zhí office; duty
责 zé duty; responsibility; to reproach; to blame
3. 恣意妄为 zìyì wàngwéi to behave unscrupulously
恣意 zìyì without restraint; unbridled; reckless
妄为 wàngwéi to take rash action
恣 zì to abandon restraint; to do as one pleases; comfortable (dialect)
意 yì idea; meaning; thought; to think; wish; desire; intention; to expect; to
anticipate; Italy; Italian; abbr. for 意大利
妄 wàng absurd; fantastic; presumptuous; rash
为 wéi as (in the capacity of); to take something as; to act as; to serve as; to behave
as; to become; to be; to do; by (in the passive voice)
4. 抛头露面 pāo tóu lòumiàn to show your face in public
5. 为所欲为 wéi suǒ yù wéi to do whatever one pleases
6. 成效显著 chéngxiào xiǎnzhù to have an outstanding effect
7. 身败名裂 shēn bài míng liè to lose one's standing; to have one's reputation swept
away; a complete defeat and fall from grace
8. 咎由自取 (idiom) only have oneself to blame; to bring trouble through one's own actions
咎 jiù fault; to blame; to punish; calamity; misfortune
由 yóu to follow; from; it is for...to; reason; cause; because of; due to; to; to leave it (to
somebody); by (introduces passive verb)
自取 zìqǔ to help oneself to (food); to invite (trouble); to court (disaster)
