It feels like an eternity has passed since I started this episode, but in actuality it probably has been two months. I was a little bit dismayed that after a hiatus I miswrote the main character's name 杨敬华 Yáng JìngHuá, which occurs frequently, however I feel like my word recognition has vastly improved, like I've leveled up.

I'll give myself a gold star.
My favorite parts are the pure action sequences because there is very little talking and I don't have to keep stopping to check up every word in the dictionary. My least favorite parts are the argument scenes because multiple people are speaking at the same time and it becomes difficult to keep track of all the words.
1. (8:58) 死宅 sǐzhái die-hard otaku (somebody who hardly ever emerges from their home,
where they play games, watch movies etc)
宅 zhái residence; (coll.) to stay in at home; to hang around at home
2. (9:02) 二货 èrhuò (slang) fool; dunce; foolishly cute person
二 èr two; 2; (Beijing dialect) stupid
货 huò goods; money; commodity
3. (9:34) 默契可言
默契 mòqì tacit understanding; mutual understanding; rapport; connected at a deep
level with each other; (of team members) well coordinated; tight
可言 kěyán it may be said
4. (10:15) 无懈可击 wú xiè kě jī invulnerable
无 wú not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-; -less
懈 xiè lax; negligent
可 kě can; may; able to; to approve; to permit; to suit; (particle used for emphasis)
certainly; very
击 jī to hit; to strike; to break
5. (10:34) 速战速决 sùzhàn sùjué a blitzkrieg strategy (idiom); to resolve something in the
shortest time possible; to get something done quickly
速 sù fast; rapid; quick; velocity
战 zhàn to fight; fight; war; battle
速决 sùjué quick decision
6. (11:36) 出没 chūmò to come and go; to roam about mostly unseen; a ghost haunting
a place; a criminal to stalking the streets; the sun rising and setting
7. (17:56) 泡影 pàoyǐng lit. soap bubble; pie in the sky; nothing
泡 pào bubble-shaped object
8. (18:33) 我勒个去 wǒlègeqù (slang) shoot!; crap!
勒 lè to rein in; to compel; to force; to carve; to engrave; (literary) to command; to
lead; lux (unit of illumination); (literary) bridle
勒 lēi to strap tightly; to bind
