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三十而已 Only Thirty, Episodes 22-31 [Vocabulary]

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Episode 22

Seems a wee bit unrealistic, yah?


"Thank God! May more people invest in my wife, so I will be able to eat dinner every night." Hahaha

Ooooooh! Have we finally met Mr. Big's real girlfriend? ... I mean wife? Well, it doesn't surprise me, seems like all too common a phenomenon.

Don't believe him, they all say whatever you want to hear, only to their own advantage. It has never made any sense to me, why go for a man who is already with someone else and ditches the original person because he claims that he now loves only you. He can easily do the same to you, yet women are surprised when it happens to them. There is already a precedent. Another reason why I find using feelings as justification for making life altering decisions as ludicrous, feelings by definition are ever changing.

WHY???? The lie??? Just tell her the truth.

*gasp* Is there going to be a cock fight?

Of course there's the double standard, no problem if a man is with a younger woman, but switch it around and everyone's gossiping.

Wow. The immaturity. Well, there is a good reason why not to date younger men ...

Even with men and women of the same age, the men tend to be less psychologically mature. Hey, men, just because you have feelings for someone doesn't mean they owe you anything.

I was worried he was going to forcefully kiss her. I guess being stuck on a hot air balloon is definitely a way to make sure she doesn't run away when you make a declaration.

What a cliffhanger.

1. 头盔 tóukuī helmet

盔 kuī helmet

2. 放飞自我

放飞 fàngfēi to allow to fly

自我 zìwǒ self-; ego (psychology)

3. 暗恋 ànliàn to be secretly in love with; unrequited love

暗 àn dark; gloomy; hidden; secret; muddled; obscure; in the dark

恋 liàn to feel attached to; to long for; to love

Episode 23

Just block her. Why are you still talking to her?

I like new guy, very down to earth.

*sigh* It's just a disaster waiting to happen.

1. 久闻大名 jiǔ wén dàmíng your name has been known to me for a long time (polite)

2. 耶加雪菲 Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee

耶 yē (phonetic ye)

加 jiā to add; plus; (used after an adverb such as 不, 大, 稍 etc, and before a

disyllabic verb, to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to something or

somebody previously mentioned); to apply (restrictions etc) to (somebody); to give

(support, consideration etc) to (something); abbr. for Canada 加拿大; (Chinese surname)

雪 xuě snow; snowfall; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to

clean; (Chinese surname)

菲 fēi luxuriant (plant growth); rich with fragrance; phenanthrene C14H10; abbr. for

the Philippines 菲律宾

3. 拉黑 lāhēi to add somebody to one's blacklist (on a cellphone, or in instant

messaging software etc); abbr. for 拉到黑名单

4. 反常 fǎncháng unusual; abnormal

5. 人设 rénshè design of a character (人物设定); celebrity or public figure's image in the

eyes of the public; public persona

Episode 24

She's still my favorite.

I approve of the prank. Fully endorse.

1. 挂彩 guàcǎi to decorate for festive occasions; to be wounded in action

2. 洒脱 sǎtuō free and at ease; unaffected

洒 sǎ to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed

脱 tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from

Episode 25

And now you're teaching your son to lie to your wife.

Awww, he's so sweet! :)

The two of them together on the bus, so cute!

1. 高仿 gāofǎng imitation; quality fake

Episode 26

Eww, greasy hands.

And now he's got a mistress. Bet she's underage. Why is there even a "we"?

Quitting seems like a mistake.

She's going to be so pissed when she finds out.

I like his shirt.

1. 暖男 nuǎnnán sunshine boy; a man who is family-oriented, considerate and protective

2. 人肉 rénròu crowdsource information

3. 网黑 wǎnghēi

Episode 27

She's going to be so pissed when she finds out.

I like his shirt.

She's so indecisive, I find it irritating.

Last supper.

1. 花花肠子 huā huā chángzi (slang) a cunning plot

2. 优柔寡断 yōuróu guǎ duàn indecisive; irresolute

优柔 yōuróu gentle; carefree; indecisive; weak

优 yōu excellent; superior

柔 róu soft; flexible; supple; yielding; rho (Greek letter Ρρ)

寡 guǎ few; scant; widowed

断 duàn to judge; (usually used in the negative) absolutely; definitely; decidedly

3. 月光族 yuèguāng zú lit. moonlight group; fig. those who spend their monthly income

even before they earn their next salary (slang)

4. 相逢 xiāngféng to meet (by chance); to come across

Episode 28

How is it possible, not enough to eat?

The accent throws me off.

I don't see a difference in the hair.

She is such a pain to watch, I'd much rather watch 程恪 Chéng Kè's struggles with daily living.

1. 猝不及防 cù bùjí fáng to be caught off guard; without warning

2. 分水岭 fēn shuǐ lǐng dividing range; drainage divide; (fig.) dividing line; watershed

3. 追剧 zhuī jù watch a TV series regularly; binge-watch

Episode 29

I agree with him, the movie is terrible.

Noooooo! Don't be stupid!

I really hate that red and white sweater she is wearing.

No, I don't like him. I think she should go for coffee guy.

What is this ridiculous movie and why is everyone watching it?

1. 驾照 jiàzhào driver's license

2. 酷 kù ruthless; strong (e.g. of wine); (loanword) cool; hip

3. 高攀 gāopān social climbing; to claim connections with people in higher social class

4. 硕士 shuòshì master's degree; person who has a master's degree; learned person

5. 规划 guīhuà to plan (how to do something); planning; plan; program

6. 人间烟火

人肉 rénròu human flesh

7. 监视 jiānshì to monitor; to keep a close watch over; surveillance

8. 打官腔 dǎ guānqiāng to talk officiously; to assume the air of a functionary; to talk

in official jargon

9. 有口皆碑 yǒu kǒu jiē bēi every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensive public


10. 重阳 chóngyáng Double Ninth or Yang Festival; 9th day of 9th lunar month

11. 优越 yōuyuè superior; superiority

12. 浮夸 fúkuā to exaggerate; to be boastful; pompous; grandiose

13. 礼尚往来 lǐ shàng wǎnglái lit. proper behavior is based on reciprocity (idiom); fig. to

return politeness for politeness

Episode 30


Aww, she misses her job.

He's terrible at keeping his word.

How has she not figured it out yet.

It's the bachelor's life for me.

Hahaha, can't mooch food anymore.

Terrible movies.

1. 敷衍 fūyǎn to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to

skimp; to botch; to do something half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by

2. 索性 suǒxìng you might as well (do it); simply; just

Episode 31

Why oh why oh why?


Oooh, interesting twist.

I like the barber.

I like her pink and blue sweater, but her indecisiveness really irritates me.

1. 台步 táibù in traditional opera, stage walk or gait

2. 收购 shōugòu to purchase (from various places); to acquire (a company)

收 shōu to receive; to accept; to collect; to put away; to restrain; to stop; in care of

(used on address line after name)

购 gòu to buy; to purchase

3. 义务 yìwù duty; obligation; commitment; volunteer duty; mandatory; voluntary


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