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三十而已 Only Thirty, Episodes 18-21 [Vocabulary]

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Episode 18

I am uncomfortable with all the lying.

Nooooo, you gotta stop texting random girl on the side!!! You're supposed to be the model husband. Don't crush my dreams!

Oh good, he told her to stop.

Hahaha, loved that moment of misunderstanding, when she returns the food into her coworker's plate and her friend happens to pass by and only sees the last part.

Mmm, whack him on the head, good start to a relationship. I approve.

"够美的“ "Beautiful enough." Hahaha, reminds me of that song "You are so beautiful ... to me" by Joe Cocker.

1. 做贼心虚 zuòzéi xīnxū to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have something on one's


心虚 xīnxū lacking in confidence; diffident; to have a guilty conscience

虚 xū emptiness; void; abstract theory or guiding principles; empty or unoccupied;

diffident or timid; false; humble or modest; (of health) weak; virtual; in vain

2. 金屋藏娇 jīn wū cáng jiāo a golden house to keep one's mistress (idiom); a magnificent house built for a beloved woman

3. 一经售出概不退货

售出 shòuchū to sell

概 gài general; approximate

不 bù (negative prefix); not; no

退货 tuìhuò to return merchandise; to withdraw a product

4. 智慧 zhìhuì wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence

智 zhì wisdom; knowledge

慧 huì intelligent

5. 担当 dāndāng to take upon oneself; to assume responsibility

6. 阅历 yuèlì to experience; experience

阅 yuè to inspect; to review; to read; to peruse; to go through; to experience

7. 讹 é error; false; to extort

8. 志愿者 zhìyuàn zhě volunteer

志愿 zhìyuàn aspiration; ambition; to volunteer

志 zhì aspiration; ambition; the will

愿 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire; hoped-for; ready; willing; sincere

9. 呵护 hēhù to bless; to cherish; to take good care of; to conserve

呵 hē expel breath; my goodness

护 hù to protect

Episode 19

哇! 她做事简直太周到了。

"能做一棵树“ "To become a tree." That's MY line! Don't steal my line you weak willed lily!!!

Oh god, I'm worried that Amanda is actually Mr. Big's wife. Super anxiety provoking.

Is the ending scenes going to relate to the main show at some point?

1. (21:11) 舍利 shèlì ashes after cremation; Buddhist relics (Sanskirt: sarira)





2. 按步就班 àn bù jiù bān follow the prescribed order; keep to conventional ways

Episode 20

Their English trips me up.

She is so kick-ass.

Maybe he lied about being in Hong Kong? I noticed before that he didn't like the idea of her being in Hong Kong when he first visited her apartment.

1. 薄荷 bòhe field mint; peppermint

薄 bó meager; slight; weak; ungenerous or unkind; frivolous; to despise; to belittle; to look

down on; to approach or near; (Chinese surname)

薄 báo thin; cold in manner; indifferent; weak; light; infertile

荷 hé lotus; Holland; the Netherlands; abbr. for 荷兰

2. 堡状云 castellanus cloud

堡 bǎo an earthwork; castle; position of defense; stronghold; used in place names,

often as phonetic bao for "burg" or "bad"

状 zhuàng accusation; suit; state; condition; strong; great; -shaped

3. 破片云 cumulus fractus

破 pò broken; damaged; worn out; lousy; rotten; to break, split or cleave; to get rid

of; to destroy; to break with; to defeat; to capture (a city etc); to expose the truth of

破片 pòpiàn chipping

片云 piànyún cloudlet

4. 冰晶 bīngjīng ice crystals

5. 降水 jiàngshuǐ rain and snow; precipitation (meteorology)

6. 昙花一现 tánhuā yī xiàn lit. the night blooming cactus shows once; flash in the pan

(idiom); short-lived

昙花 tánhuā Dutchman's Pipe (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

昙 tán dark clouds

7. 卷积云 cirrocumulus

卷 juǎn to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on; roll

积云 jīyún cumulus; heap cloud

积 jī to amass; to accumulate; to store; measured quantity (such as area of volume);

product (the result of multiplication); to integrate (math.); to solve (or integrate) an

ordinary differential equation (math.); old; long-standing

Episode 21



They are so tiring to watch.

Who the hell is new girl?

What is he hiding???

I suspect she's an INTJ.

1. 排挤 páijǐ to crowd out; to push aside; to supplant

2. 窥探 kuītàn to pry into or spy on; to snoop; to peep; to poke one's nose into; to peer;

to get a glimpse of

3. 隐私 yǐnsī secrets; private business; privacy

4. 代沟 dàigōu generation gap

5. 噎 yē to choke (on); to choke up; to suffocate

6. 奇葩 qípā exotic flower; (fig.) marvel; prodigy


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