I finished reading all of chapter 4 in only two days which is my personal best, 庆幸自己 qìngxìng zìjǐ.
Bright & Colorful
1. 艳 yàn colorful; splendid; gaudy; amorous; romantic; to envy (from traditional character 艷)
2. 光晕 guāngyūn halo
晕 yūn confused; dizzy; giddy; to faint; to swoon; to lose consciousness; to pass out
3. 闪耀 shǎnyào to glint; to glitter; to sparkle; to radiate
闪 shǎn to dodge; to duck out of the way; to beat it; shaken (by a fall); to sprain; to
pull a muscle; lightning; spark; a flash; to flash (across one's mind); to leave behind;
(Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine; (Chinese surname)
耀 yào brilliant; glorious
4. 光斑 guāngbān facula; an irregular, unusually bright patch on the sun's surface.
斑 bān spot; colored patch; stripe; spotted; striped; variegated
1. 租金 zūjīn rent
2. 租户 zūhù tenant; person who leases
3. 收据 shōujù receipt
据 jù according to; to act in accordance with; to depend on; to seize; to occupy
4. 中介 zhōngjiè to act as intermediary; to link; intermediate; inter-; agency; agent
介 jiè to introduce; to lie between; between; shell; armor
5. 现金月结 cash payment at the end of the month
Domestic Violence
1. 阉 yān to castrate; a castrate; neuter
2. 傻逼 stupid cunt (vulgar); also written 傻屄
傻 shǎ foolish; silly
屄 bī cunt (vulgar)
逼 bī to force (somebody to do something); to compel; to press for; to extort; to
press on towards; to press up to; to close in on; used in the place of 屄, cunt
3. 情侣 qínglǚ sweethearts; lovers
情 qíng feeling; emotion; passion; situation
侣 lǚ companion
4. 果奔 guǒ bēn run around naked, streaking
5. 肉偿 ròu cháng sexual favors; sexual compensation
偿 cháng to repay; to compensate for; to recompense; to fulfill (hopes etc)
6. 撒泼 sāpō to make an unreasonable scene
撒 sā to let go; to cast; to let loose; to discharge; to give expression to
泼 pō to splash; to spill; rough and coarse; brutish
7. 煎熬 jiān'áo to suffer; to torture; to torment; ordeal; suffering; torture; torment
煎 jiān to pan fry; to sauté
熬 áo to cook on a slow fire; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure
8. 琢磨 zhuómó ponder; to carve and polish (jade); to polish and refine a literary work
琢 zhuó to cut and polish (gems)
磨 mó to rub; to grind; to polish; to sharpen; to wear down; to die out; to waste time;
to pester; to insist
9. 净身出户 jìngshēn chū hù to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or
净身 jìngshēn to purify one's body (i.e. to get castrated)
户 hù a household; door; family

Lackadaisical Four Character Phrases
1. 无所事事 wú suǒ shìshì to have nothing to do; to idle one's time away (idiom)
2. 一事无成 yīshì wúchéng to have achieved nothing; to be a total failure; to get
3. 挥之不去 huī zhī bùqù impossible to get rid of
挥 huī to wave; to brandish; to command; to conduct; to scatter; to disperse
4. 故地重游 gùdì chóng yóu to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
故地 gùdì once familiar places; former haunts
故 gù happening; instance; reason; cause; intentional; former; old; friend; therefore;
hence; (of people) to die, dead
地 dì earth; ground; field; place; land
重 chóng to repeat; repetition; again; re-; classifier: layer
游 yóu to walk; to tour; to roam; to travel
5. 慢条斯理 màn tiáo sī lǐ unhurried; calm; composed; leisurely
慢 màn slow
条 tiáo strip; item; article; clause (of law or treaty); measure word for long thin things
(ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
斯 sī (phonetic); this; Slovakia; Slovak; abbr. for 斯洛伐克
理 lǐ texture; grain (of wood); inner essence; intrinsic order; reason; logic; truth;
science; natural science (esp. physics); to manage; to pay attention to; to run (affairs); to
handle; to put in order; to tidy up
6. 悄无声息 qiǎo wú shēngxī quietly; noiselessly
悄 qiǎo quiet; sad
无 wú not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-; -less
声息 shēngxī sound (often with negative, not a sound); whisper
息 xī breath; news; interest (on an investment or loan); to cease; to stop; to rest
7. 无动于衷 wú dòng yú zhōng aloof; indifferent; unconcerned
无 wú not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-; -less
动 dòng (of something) to move; to set in movement; to displace; to touch; to
make use of; to stir (emotions); to alter; abbr. for 动词, verb
于 yú in; at; to; from; by; than; out of; with regards to
衷 zhōng inner feelings