bāokuò yǔzhòu yùnxíng de guīlǜ, hé nàxiē xiǎn wéi rénzhī de lìshǐ,
包括 bāokuò to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of
包 bāo to cover; to wrap; to hold; to include; to take charge of; to contract (to or for);
package; wrapper; container; bag; to hold or embrace; bundle; packet;
(Chinese surname)
括 kuò to enclose; to include
宇宙 yǔzhòu universe; cosmos
宇 yǔ room; universe
宙 zhòu eternity; (geology) eon
运行 yùnxíng to move along one's course (of celestial bodies etc); (fig.) to function; to be in
operation; (of a train service etc) to operate; to run; (of a computer) to run
规律 guīlǜ rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm; discipline
规 guī compass; a rule; regulation; to admonish; to plan; to scheme
律 lǜ law; (Chinese surname)
鲜为人知 xiǎn wéirén zhī rarely known to anyone (idiom); almost unknown; secret to all but a few
鲜 xiǎn few; rare
为 wèi because of; for; to
历史 lìshǐ history
历 lì to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every;
史 shǐ history; annals; title of an official historian in ancient China;
(Chinese surname)
shènzhì rénlèi cóng bùcéng tànsuǒ de lǐngyù,
甚至 shènzhì even; so much so that
人类 rénlèi humanity; human race; mankind
不曾 bùcéng hasn't yet; hasn't ever
探索 tànsuǒ to explore; to probe
探 tàn to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit; to stretch forward
索 suǒ to search; to demand; to ask; to exact
领域 lǐngyù domain; sphere; field; territory; area
领 lǐng to lead; to receive
域 yù field; region; area; domain (taxonomy)
zhǐyǒu zhèyàng, tā cái yǒu kěnéng zhǎo chū nàgè qìjī hé xiànsuǒ.
契机 qìjī opportunity; turning point; juncture
契 qì to carve; carved words; to agree; a contract; a deed
机 jī machine; engine; opportunity; intention; aircraft; pivot; crucial point; flexible
(quick-witted); organic; (Chinese surname)
线索 xiànsuǒ trail; clues; thread (of a story)
线 xiàn thread; string; wire; line; (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese
索 suǒ to search; to demand; to ask; to exact; large rope; isolated; (Chinese
surname); abbr. for 索马里, Somalia
瓶子《灵契》Spiritpact by PíngZi
Volume 5