Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Author: Luó GuànZhōng
Translator: Moss Roberts
Chapter 9
漢朝 / 汉朝 Hàn Cháo
董卓 Dǒng Zhuó
仲穎 Zhòng Yǐng
Advisor of 董卓 Dǒng Zhuó
李儒 Lǐ Rú
袁绍 Yuán Shào
吕布 Lǚ Bù
奉先 Fèng Xiān
2 刘协 Liú Xié
伯和 Bó Hé
陈留王 Chén Liú Wáng
汉献帝 Hàn Xiàn Dì 9 years old
Defected from 袁绍 Yuán Shào and joined 公孙瓒 GōngSūn Zàn because he believes in 仁义 rényì benevolence and righteousness
赵云 Zhào Yún
子龍 Zi Lóng
Oldest son of 孙坚 Sūn Jiān
孙策 Sūn Cè
伯符 Bó Fú
王允 Wáng Yǔn
子师 Zi Shī
貂蝉 Diāo Chán
貂 diāo sable or marten (genus Martes)
蝉 chán cicada
One of the four legendary beauties 四大美女, in fiction a famous beauty given as concubine to usurping warlord Dong Zhuo 董卓 to ensure his overthrow by fighting hero Lü Bu 吕布.
蜀漢 / 蜀汉 Shǔ Hàn
1 刘备 Liú Bèi
玄德 Xuán Dé
双股剑 shuāng gǔ jiàn
股 gǔ thigh; part of a whole; portion of a sum; (stock) share; strand of a thread; low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科; measure word for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc; measure word for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff; measure word for bands of people, gangs etc; measure word for sudden forceful actions
3 張飛 Zhāng Fēi
益德 Yì Dé
丈八蛇矛 zhàng bā shé máo ancient spear-like weapon 18 Chinese feet 尺 in length, with a wavy spearhead like a snake's body
2 關羽 Guān Yǔ
雲長 Yún Zhǎng
八十二斤青龙偃月刀 qīnglóng yǎn yuè
曹魏 Cáo Wèi
曹操 Cáo Cāo
孟德 Mèng Dé
Ignoring signs
Victor writer history
Literary Allusions
草千里 = 董
卜日十 = 卓
董卓 Dǒng Zhuó
卜 bǔ to divine; to forecast or estimate; (of a place to live etc) to choose; (Chinese surname)
卜 bo 萝卜
