Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Author: Luó GuànZhōng
Translator: Moss Roberts
Chapter 6
新朝 Xīn Cháo
王莽 Wáng Mǎng
The founder and the only emperor of the short-lived Chinese Xin dynasty 新朝 Xīn Cháo who seized the throne in 9 CE. The Han dynasty was restored after his overthrow, and his rule marked the separation between the Western Han dynasty (before Xin) and Eastern Han dynasty (after Xin).
東漢 / 後漢
东汉 / 后汉
刘秀 Liú Xiù
汉光武帝 Hàn Guāng Wǔ Dì
漢朝 / 汉朝 Hàn Cháo
刘邦 Liú Bāng
汉高祖 Hàn Gāo Zǔ
董卓 Dǒng Zhuó
仲穎 Zhòng Yǐng
袁绍 Yuán Shào
吕布 Lǚ Bù
奉先 Fèng Xiān
2 刘协 Liú Xié
伯和 Bó Hé
陈留王 Chén Liú Wáng
汉献帝 Hàn Xiàn Dì 9 years old
公孙瓒 GōngSūn Zàn
孙坚 Sūn Jiān
文台 Wén Tái
蜀漢 / 蜀汉 Shǔ Hàn
1 刘备 Liú Bèi
玄德 Xuán Dé
双股剑 shuāng gǔ jiàn
股 gǔ thigh; part of a whole; portion of a sum; (stock) share; strand of a thread; low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科; measure word for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc; measure word for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff; measure word for bands of people, gangs etc; measure word for sudden forceful actions
3 張飛 Zhāng Fēi
益德 Yì Dé
丈八蛇矛 zhàng bā shé máo ancient spear-like weapon 18 Chinese feet 尺 in length, with a wavy spearhead like a snake's body
2 關羽 Guān Yǔ
雲長 Yún Zhǎng
八十二斤青龙偃月刀 qīnglóng yǎn yuè
曹魏 Cáo Wèi
曹操 Cáo Cāo
孟德 Mèng Dé
