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三国演义 Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Chapter 5

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Author: Luó GuànZhōng

Translator: Moss Roberts

Chapter 5

漢朝 / 汉朝 Hàn Cháo

董卓 Dǒng Zhuó

仲穎 Zhòng Yǐng

袁绍 Yuán Shào

吕布 Lǚ Bù

奉先 Fèng Xiān

1 刘辩 Liú Biàn

汉少帝 Hàn Shǎo Dì (May 15 to September 28, 189) 14 years old

弘农王 Hóng Nóng Wáng

2 刘协 Liú Xié

伯和 Bó Hé

陈留王 Chén Liú Wáng

汉献帝 Hàn Xiàn Dì 9 years old

公孙瓒 GōngSūn Zàn

孙坚 Sūn Jiān

文台 Wén Tái

蜀漢 / 蜀汉 Shǔ Hàn

1 刘备 Liú Bèi

玄德 Xuán Dé

双股剑 shuāng gǔ jiàn

股 gǔ thigh; part of a whole; portion of a sum; (stock) share; strand of a thread; low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科; measure word for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc; measure word for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff; measure word for bands of people, gangs etc; measure word for sudden forceful actions

3 張飛 Zhāng Fēi

益德 Yì Dé

丈八蛇矛 zhàng bā shé máo ancient spear-like weapon 18 Chinese feet 尺 in length, with a wavy spearhead like a snake's body

2 關羽 Guān Yǔ

雲長 Yún Zhǎng

八十二斤青龙偃月刀 qīnglóng yǎn yuè

曹魏 Cáo Wèi

曹操 Cáo Cāo

孟德 Mèng Dé


"忠义" "Loyalty and Honor"

忠义 zhōngyì loyal and righteous; fealty; loyalty

忠 zhōng loyal; devoted; honest

义 yì justice; righteousness; meaning; foster (father etc); adopted; artificial (tooth, limb etc); relationship; friendship; (Chinese surname); (Tw) abbr. for 义大利, Italy



crenelle noun

one of a series of rounded projections (or the notches between them) formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a leaf or piece of cloth or the margin of a shell or a shriveled red blood cell observed in a hypertonic solution etc.)

Shock Cavalry are fast moving units prized for their ability to break enemy formations and morale. With high mobility and charge bonuses, Shock Cavalry excel in hit-and-run combat, where the momentum of their charges can be used often and to great effect.


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