Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Author: Luó GuànZhōng
Translator: Moss Roberts
Chapter 2
漢朝 / 汉朝 Hàn Cháo
董卓 Dǒng Zhuó
仲穎 Zhòng Yǐng
刘邦 Liú Bāng
汉高祖 Hàn Gāo Zǔ
Founder's Wife
吕后 Lǚ Hòu
孙坚 Sūn Jiān
文台 Wén Tái
朱俊 Zhū Jùn
公伟 Gōng Wěi
Crown Pince
1 刘辩 Liú Biàn
2 刘协 Liú Xié
Older Maternal Uncle of 刘辩 Liú Biàn
何进 Hé Jìn
袁绍 Yuán Shào
十常侍 Shí Cháng Shì
张让 Zhāng Ràng
赵忠 Zhào Zhōng
In the Western or Former Han dynasty, the Empress's relatives had more power than the eunuchs. In the Eastern or Later Han dynasty, it was reversed.
蜀漢 / 蜀汉 Shǔ Hàn
1 刘备 Liú Bèi
玄德 Xuán Dé
3 張飛 Zhāng Fēi
益德 Yì Dé
2 關羽 Guān Yǔ
雲長 Yún Zhǎng
曹魏 Cáo Wèi
曹操 Cáo Cāo
孟德 Mèng Dé
p. 15 bottom
Discussion of whether to accept Yellow Scarves surrender and reward their allegiance or to crush then to demonstrate the results of subversion.
p. 17 bottom
Not using power for personal gain and not being able to bribe others and therefore being defamed, versus using power for personal gain and creating a poor reputation with the commoners yet having financial clout.
p. 18 middle
Stay and fight or leave.
p. 19 top
Who to believe. Punished for speaking the truth or placate the powerful with lies.
p. 20 top
Kill the competition.
p. 22 bottom
Lèse-majesté or lese-majesty is an offence against the dignity of a ruling head of state or the state itself. The English name for this crime is a borrowing from the French, where it means "a crime against The Crown."
capon noun
a cockerel castrated to improve the flesh for use as food
crack troops noun
special military troops
Synonyms: elite troops, rapid deployment troops, special troops, storm troops.
This term was simply based on the analogy that employing these troops could create "cracks" in an enemy's military structure or strategy.
"Do not follow a feigned retreat. Do not attack crack troops" -Sun Tzu "The Art of War" (the book on Armed Struggle)
