Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Author: Luó GuànZhōng
Translator: Moss Roberts
Chapter 1
黄巾之乱 Yellow Scarves Rebellion
1 张角 Zhāng Jué
角 jué role (theater); to compete; ancient three legged wine vessel; third note of pentatonic scale; (Chinese surname)
2 张宝 Zhāng Bǎo
3 张梁 Zhāng Liáng
蜀漢 / 蜀汉 Shǔ Hàn
1 刘备 Liú Bèi
玄德 Xuán Dé
3 張飛 Zhāng Fēi
益德 Yì Dé
2 關羽 Guān Yǔ
雲長 Yún Zhǎng
曹魏 Cáo Wèi
曹操 Cáo Cāo
孟德 Mèng Dé
漢朝 Hàn Cháo
董卓 Dǒng Zhuō
仲穎 Zhòng Yǐng
