Episode 13
Wow. That was a ridiculously fast divorce.
Whoa. Things got super dramatic super fast.
Sigh. The random street guy finally wore her down.
I asked around and found out that the divorced woman's job is 物业管理 wùyè guǎnlǐ property management.
Hilarious that she changed from formal to casual.
1. 哲理 zhélǐ philosophic theory; philosophy
Episode 14
She is such a coward.
You call it making a wish, I call it littering ...
Water tasting, hahaha.
Okay, just some wild guesses here, maybe he's a dealing in some shady business like drugs or prostitution.
It's kind of a laughable non-divorce.
1. 油腻 yóunì grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character
2. 法人 fǎrén legal person; corporation; see also 自然人
3. 兜风 dōufēng to catch the wind; to go for a spin in the fresh air
Episode 15
When will the lies stop?
1. 蜗牛 wōniú snail
Episode 16
OMG, are they for real?
I think her tea company idea is a little too much. Seems like she's forgotten why she's doing all this in the first place. Outsourcing motherhood ...
1. 隐形眼镜 yǐnxíng yǎnjìng contact lens
隐形 yǐnxíng invisible
隐 yǐn secret; hidden; concealed; (prefix) crypto-
形 xíng to appear; to look; form; shape
2. 当下 dāngxià immediately; at once; at that moment; at the moment
3. 较劲 jiàojìn to match one's strength with; to compete; more competitive; to set
oneself against somebody; disobliging; to make a special effort
较 jiào comparatively; (preposition comparing difference in degree); to contrast; to
compare; rather; fairly; clearly (different); markedly; to haggle over; to quibble
劲 jìn strength; energy; enthusiasm; spirit; mood; expression; interest
4. 忽悠 hūyou to rock; to sway; to flicker (e.g. of lights reflected on water); to flutter (e.g.
of a flag); to trick somebody into doing something; to dupe; to con
忽 hū to neglect; to overlook; to ignore; suddenly; (Chinese surname)
悠 yōu long or drawn out; remote in time or space; leisurely; to swing; pensive;
Episode 17
Aww, he's starting to grow on me.
OOOOHHHH!!! Then he drops a bomb on her. And now we know why he's not married. Although I think it would be better if it was a female character that doesn't believe in marriage, for a man it seems like an easy excuse for evading responsibility.
He's trying to repair the relationship now, ain't it a bit too late?
1. 魔杖 mózhàng magic wand
2. 理财 lǐcái financial management; finance
3. 暖昧对象
暖 nuǎn warm; to warm
昧 mèi to conceal; dark
4. 始乱终弃因果关系
始 shǐ to begin; to start; then; only then
乱 luàn in a confused state of mind; disorder; upheaval; riot; illicit sexual relations; to
mix up; indiscriminate; random; arbitrary
终 zhōng end; finish
弃 qì to abandon; to relinquish; to discard; to throw away
5. 因果关系 yīnguǒ guānxì causation
6. 耗 hào to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander; news; (coll.) to delay; to dilly
7. 防备 fángbèi to guard against
8. 厚道 hòudao kind and honest; generous; sincere
9. 包袱 bāofu wrapping cloth; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden; funny
part; punchline
10. 泄气 xièqì to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to
vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat
11. 保障 bǎozhàng to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard
12. 咄咄逼人 duōduō bīrén overbearing; forceful; aggressive; menacing; imperious
13. 还债 huánzhài to settle a debt
