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墨香铜臭《魔道祖师》汪叽千呼万唤始出来 Chapter 7 [Vocabulary]

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

汪 wāng expanse of water; ooze; (onom.) bark; measure word for liquids: pool

叽 jī grumble

千 qiān thousand

呼 hū to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale

万 wàn ten thousand; a great number; (Chinese surname)

唤 huàn to call

始 shǐ to begin; to start; then; only then

出来 chūlái to come out; to appear; to arise


一阵 yīzhèn a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time)

轻灵 qīnglíng quick and skillful; agile

的 de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute)

分枝 fēnzhī branch

踏 tà to tread; to stamp; to step on; to press a pedal; to investigate on the spot

叶 yè leaf; page; lobe; (historical) period; measure word for small boats

之 zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的); him; her; it

声 shēng sound; voice; tone; noise; reputation; measure word for sounds

逼近 bījìn to press on towards; to close in on; to approach; to draw near


朱砂 zhūshā cinnabar; mercuric sulfide HgS; also written 朱砂

意 yì idea; meaning; thought; to think; wish; desire; intention; to expect

喻 yù to describe something as; an analogy; a simile; a metaphor; an allegory

启 qǐ to open; to start; to initiate; to enlighten or awaken; to state; to inform;

Qi son of Yu the Great 禹, reported founder of the

Xia Dynasty 夏朝 (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)

智 zhì wisdom; knowledge

明志 míngzhì to demonstrate one's sincere convictions

朱 zhū vermilion; (Chinese surname)

光耀 guāngyào dazzling; brilliant

光 guāng light; ray; bright; only; merely; to use up

耀 yào brilliant; glorious

世 shì life; age; generation; era; world; lifetime; epoch; descendant; noble


xiāng bā lǎo

(derog.) villager; hick; bumpkin


yīyán nán jìn

hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly


金光 jīnguāng golden light; ray

金 jīn gold

光 guāng light; ray; bright; only; merely; to use up

善 shàn good (virtuous); benevolent; well-disposed; good at something;

to improve or perfect


瑶 yáo jade; precious stone; mother-of-pearl; nacre; precious;

used a complementary honorific; Yao ethnic group of southwest

China and southeast Asia; (Chinese surname)


niān huā rě cǎo

lit. to pick the flowers and trample the grass (idiom); fig. to womanize; to frequent brothels; to sow one's wild oats


xǐ xīn yàn jiù

lit. to like the new, and hate the old (idiom); fig. enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old


他 tā he or him

自信 zìxìn to have confidence in oneself; self-confidence

老当益壮 lǎo dāng yì zhuàng old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despite the years

要 yào to want; to ask for; will; going to (as future auxiliary)

挑战 tiǎozhàn to challenge; challenge

自我 zìwǒ oneself; self-; ego (psychology)

和 hé and

一群 yīqún group; gang; regiment

女人 nǚrén woman

鬼混 guǐhùn to hang around; to fool around; to live aimlessly

然而 rán'ér however; yet; but

不幸 bùxìng misfortune; adversity; unfortunate; sad; unfortunately

失败 shībài to be defeated; to lose; failure; defeat

马上风 mǎshàng fēng death during sexual intercourse


lǎo dāng yì zhuàng

old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despite the years


nányǐ qǐchǐ

to be too embarrassed to mention something (idiom); to find it hard to speak about something


xīnzhào bù xuān

a tacit mutual understanding


xù shì dàifā

to wait for action after having accumulated power, energy etc


凌 líng to approach; to rise high; thick ice; to insult or maltreat; (Chinese surname)


yìngrù yǎnlián

(idiom) to greet the eye; to come into view


避 bì to avoid; to shun; to flee; to escape; to keep away from; to leave; to hide from

尘 chén dust; dirt; earth


流年不利 liúnián bùlì the year's horoscope augurs ill (idiom); an unlucky year

冤家路窄 yuānjia lù zhǎi lit. enemies on a narrow road (idiom);

fig. an inevitable clash between opposing factions

福无双至 fú wúshuāng zhì blessings never come in pairs (idiom)

祸不单行 huò bù dānxíng misfortune does not come singly (idiom);

it never rains but it pours


逢 féng to meet by chance; to come across; (of a calendar event) to come along

乱 luàn in confusion or disorder; in a confused state of mind; disorder; upheaval; riot

必 bì certainly; must; will; necessarily

出 chū to go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth

The vocabulary suddenly jumped a level.


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