口福 kǒufú happy knack for chancing upon fine food
绝版 juébǎn out of print
料峭 liàoqiào spring chill in the air; cold
yī yǔ bù fā
to not say a word (idiom)
径自 jìngzì without leave; without consulting anyone
迟钝 chídùn slow in one's reactions; sluggish (in movement or thought)
狼藉 lángjí in a mess; scattered about; in complete disorder
静候 jìnghòu to quietly wait
挣扎 zhēngzhá to struggle
zhuā ěr náo sāi
to tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks (as an expression of anxiety, delight, frustration etc) (idiom)
咋舌 zhàshé to be speechless
奋力 fènlì to do everything one can; to spare no effort; to strive
腰 yāo waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins
杆 gān pole
笔直 bǐzhí perfectly straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright
长吁短叹 cháng xū duǎn tàn long moan and short gasp (idiom);
continually moaning and groaning in pain
失策 shīcè to blunder; to miscalculate; miscalculation; unwise (move)
一言难尽 yīyán nán jìn hard to explain in a few words (idiom);
complicated and not easy to express succinctly
méi fēi sè wǔ
smiles of exultation; radiant with delight
严 yán tight (closely sealed); stern; strict; rigorous; severe; father; (Chinese surname)
于 yú to go; to take; sentence-final interrogative particle; variant of 於
待人 dàirén to treat people (politely, harshly etc)
宽 kuān wide; broad; loose; relaxed; lenient; (Chinese surname)
律 lǜ law; (Chinese surname)
己 jǐ self; oneself; sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干;
sixth in order; letter "F" or Roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; hexa
yī shì tóngrén
to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people
伤号 shānghào casualties; wounded soldiers
作答 zuòdá to answer; to respond
怂恿 sǒngyǒng to instigate; to incite; to egg somebody on
含糊 hánhu ambiguous; vague; careless; perfunctory
不由自主 bùyóu zìzhǔ can't help; involuntarily (idiom)
套近乎 tào jìnhu to worm one's way into being friends with somebody
(usually derogatory)
由衷 yóuzhōng heartfelt; sincere; unfeigned
姑息 gūxī excessively tolerant; to overindulge (somebody);
overly conciliatory; to seek appeasement at any price
放水 fàngshuǐ to turn on the water; to let water out; to throw a game (sports)
说一不二 shuō yī bù èr to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word
讲义气 jiǎngyì qì to be loyal (to one's friends); to value loyalty
顽劣 wánliè stubborn and obstreperous; naughty and mischievous
玷污 diànwū to stain; to sully; to tarnish
déyì ménshēng
favorite pupil
根除 gēnchú to eradicate
撩拨 liáobō to provoke; to tease
老虎 lǎohǔ tiger
嘴 zuǐ mouth; beak; nozzle; spout (of teapot etc)
上 shàng on top; upon; above; upper; previous; first (of multiple parts)
拔 bá to pull up; to pull out; to draw out by suction; to select; to pick
须 xū must; to have to; to wait; beard; mustache; feeler (of an insect etc); tassel
太岁 tàisuì Tai Sui, God of the year; archaic name for the planet Jupiter 木星;
nickname for somebody who is the most powerful in an area
头上 tóushàng overhead; above
动土 dòngtǔ to break ground (prior to building something); to start building
午时 wǔshí 11 am-1 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
曲解 qūjiě to misrepresent; to misinterpret
biàn xìfǎ
to perform conjuring tricks; to conjure; to juggle
throw up one's hand; loosen one's grip; to let go
摊 tān to spread out; vendor's stand
手 shǒu hand; (formal) to hold; person engaged in certain types of work;
person skilled in certain types of work; personal(ly);
convenient; measure word for skill
涂鸦 túyā graffiti; scrawl; poor calligraphy; to write badly; to scribble
犀利 xīlì sharp; incisive; penetrating
监视 jiānshì to monitor; to keep a close watch over; surveillance
shēngpíng shìjì
lifetime achievements
通 tōng to go through; to know well; (suffix) expert; to connect;
to communicate; open; to clear; measure word for letters
慧 huì intelligent
性 xìng nature; character; property; quality; attribute; sexuality; sex; gender
灵 líng quick; alert; efficacious; effective; to come true; spirit; departed soul; coffin
yuǎnjìn wénmíng
to be known far and wide; to be well-known
弱 ruò weak; feeble; young; inferior
冠 guàn to put on a hat; to be first; to dub; (Chinese surname)
之 zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的); him; her; it
龄 líng age; length of experience, membership etc
Buddhist temple (loanword from Sanskrit "samgharama")
伽 qié transcription for Sanskrit gha
jiā, gā traditionally used as phonetic for ga; also pr. [qie2]
蓝 lán blue; indigo plant; (Chinese surname)
to return to normal life (leaving a monastic order)
foundation; base; family estate
身 shēn body; life; oneself; personally; one's morality and conduct;
the main part of a structure or body; pregnant;
measure word for sets of clothes: suit, twinset; Kangxi radical 158
陨 yǔn to fall; meteor; to perish; see also 殒
干巴巴 gān bābā dry; parched; dull; insipid
年表 niánbiǎo timeline; chronology; annals; financial year; year
不约而同 bù yuē ér tóng to agree by chance (idiom);
taking the same action without prior consultation
chá yán guān sè
to weigh up somebody's words and observe their facial expression (idiom); to discern what somebody thinks from his body language
xiǎn ér yì jiàn
clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously; clearly; it goes without saying
戾气 lìqì evil tendencies; vicious currents; antisocial behavior
斥责 chìzé to lash out; to reprimand
窃窃 qièqiè privately; secretly; unobtrusively
wúyì jiān
inadvertently; unintentionally
厌 yàn
擅自 shànzì without permission
自诩 zìxǔ to pose as; to flaunt oneself as; to boast of; to brag
独步 dúbù lit. walking alone; prominent; unrivalled; outstanding
看轻 kànqīng to belittle; to scorn; to take something lightly
怒不可遏 nù bùkě è unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage
寒暄 hánxuān to exchange conventional greetings; to talk about the weather
执意 zhíyì to be determined to; to insist on
巩固 gǒnggù to consolidate; consolidation; to strengthen
顾虑 gùlǜ misgivings; apprehensions; to have misgivings
jiāo shēng guànyǎng
pampered and spoiled since childhood
这 zhè this
厮 sī variant of 廝; mutually; with one another;
manservant; boy servant; guy (derog.)
心知肚明 xīn zhī dù míng to be well aware
诧异 chàyì flabbergasted; astonished
勇气可嘉 yǒngqì kějiā to deserve praise for one's courage (idiom)
预感 yùgǎn to have a premonition; premonition
幸灾乐祸 xìng zāi lè huò lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster (idiom);
fig. to rejoice in other people's misfortune; Schadenfreude
告一段落 gào yī duànluò to come to the end of a phase (idiom)
限于 xiànyú to be limited to; to be confined to

The rhyming couplet in the title of the last two chapters is cute.
I can't believe I'm making so much progress with the original text (with the help of assisted online dictionary software). This makes everything go so much faster. I am proud of my own progress! I am so happy I continued with this journey by myself.