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墨香铜臭《魔道祖师》撩拨作死 Chapter 15 [Vocabulary]

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Feb 21

撩拨 liáobō to provoke; to tease

作死 zuòsǐ to court disaster


找乐子 zhǎo lèzi to seek amusement

尤其 yóuqí especially; particularly

擅长 shàncháng to be good at; to be expert in


kǔ zhōng zuòlè

to find joy in sorrows (idiom); to enjoy something in spite of one's suffering


刺杀 cìshā to assassinate; (military) to fight with a bayonet;

(baseball) to put out (a baserunner)

骑士 qíshì horseman; cavalryman; knight (i.e. European nobility);

(Tw) bike rider (scooter, bicycle etc)

团长 tuánzhǎng regimental command; head of a delegation


一阵 yīzhèn a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time)

守 shǒu to guard; to defend; to keep watch; to abide by the law; to observe (rules or ritual); nearby; adjoining

得 de structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc

云 yún cloud; (Chinese surname); abbr. for Yunnan Province 云南省

开 kāi to open; to start; to turn on; to boil; to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc); to operate (a vehicle); carat (gold); abbr. for Kelvin, 开尔文; abbr. for 开本, book format

见 jiàn to see; to meet; to appear (to be something); to interview

月 yuè moon; month; monthly

明 míng bright; opposite: dark 暗; (of meaning) clear; to understand; next; public or open; wise; generic term for a sacrifice to the gods; Ming Dynasty (1368-1644); (Chinese surname); Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝 descended from Shennong 神农 Farmer God

的 de of; ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis); also pr. [di4] or [di5] in poetry and songs

窃喜 qièxǐ to be secretly delighted


好 hǎo good; well; proper; good to; easy to

了 le (completed action marker)

伤疤 shāngbā scar

忘 wàng to forget; to overlook; to neglect

了 le (completed action marker)

疼 téng (it) hurts; sore; to love dearly

百折不挠 bǎi zhé bù náo to keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks (idiom);

to be undaunted by repeated setbacks; to be indomitable

示意 shìyì to hint; to indicate (an idea to somebody)


guǐ shǐ shén chāi

demons and gods at work (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural explanation; curious coincidence

闲暇 xiánxiá leisure; free time; unoccupied; not in use

赤条条 chì tiáo tiáo stark naked


春宫 chūngōng Crown Prince's chambers; by extension, the Crown Prince; erotic picture


bào tiǎn tiānwù

to waste natural resources recklessly; not to know how to use things sparingly

Ah, that famous almost fight.



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