本末倒置 běnmò dàozhì lit. to invert root and branch (idiom);
fig. confusing cause and effect;
to stress the incidental over the fundamental;
to put the cart before the horse
求之不得 qiú zhī bùdé lit. seek but fail to get (idiom);
fig. exactly what one’s been looking for
竟 jìng unexpectedly; actually; to go so far as to; indeed
流露出 liúlù chū to display (talent); to exude (pleasure)
羡 xiàn to envy
艳 yàn variant of 艷; colorful; splendid; gaudy; amorous; romantic; to envy
向往 xiàngwǎng to yearn for; to look forward to
之情 zhīqíng sentiment
to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family
无事 wúshì to have nothing to do
献殷勤 xiàn yīnqín to be particularly attentive to (an attractive young lady or man etc); to fawn upon (an influential politician etc); to court somebody's favor; to ingratiate oneself
非 fēi to not be; not; wrong; incorrect; non-; un-; in-; to reproach or blame; (colloquial) to insist on; simply must; abbr. for 非洲, Africa
奸 jiān wicked; crafty; traitor; variant of 姦
即 jí namely; that is; i.e.; prompt; at once; at present; even if; prompted (by the occasion); to approach; to come into contact; to assume (office); to draw near
盗 dào to steal; to rob; to plunder; thief; bandit; robber
怂恿 sǒngyǒng to instigate; to incite; to egg somebody on
撩拨 liáobō to provoke; to tease
歪风邪气 wāifēng xiéqì noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends
渐 jiān to imbue
长 cháng length; long; forever; always; constantly
ài mò néng zhù
unable to help however much one would like to (idiom); Although we sympathize, there is no way to help you.; My hands are tied.
生僻 shēngpì unfamiliar; rarely seen
了无生趣 liǎo wú shēng qù to lose all interest in life (idiom)
由衷 yóuzhōng heartfelt; sincere; unfeigned
