同窗 tóngchuāng schoolmate; fellow student
蓝 lán blue; indigo plant; (Chinese surname)
启 qǐ to open; to start; to initiate; to enlighten or awaken; to state; to inform;
Qi son of Yu the Great 禹, reported founder of the
Xia Dynasty 夏朝 (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)
仁 rén humane; kernel
江 jiāng river; (Chinese surname)
枫 fēng maple (genus Acer)
眠 mián to sleep; to hibernate
巳时 sìshí 9-11 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
丑时 chǒushí 1-3 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
聂 niè to whisper; (Chinese surname)
怀 huái bosom; heart; mind; to think of; to harbor in one's mind; to conceive (a child)
桑 sāng mulberry tree; (Chinese surname)
聂 niè to whisper; (Chinese surname)
明 míng bright; opposite: dark 暗; (of meaning) clear; to understand
玦 jué penannular jade pendant
得意门生 déyì ménshēng favorite pupil
楷模 kǎimó model; example
有 yǒu to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be
过 guò to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along
之 zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的); him; her; it
而 ér and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not)
无 wú not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-; -less
不及 bùjí to fall short of; not as good as; too late
嗤笑 chīxiào to sneer at
披麻戴孝 pī má dàixiào to wear mourning clothes; to be in mourning; also written 披麻带孝
愕然 èrán stunned; amazed
正着 zhèngzháo head-on; red-handed
xiāngjiàn hèn wǎn
to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally.; It feels like we have known each other all along.
刽子手 guì zi shǒu executioner; headsman; slaughterer; fig. indiscriminate murderer
俱全 jùquán every kind; every variety under the sun; a complete gamut
生前 shēngqián (of a deceased) during one's life; while living
斩首 zhǎnshǒu to behead
横死 hèngsǐ to die by violence
市井 shìjǐng marketplace; town; the street (urban milieu);
the haunts of the common people
曝 bào to make public; to expose
尸 shī person representing the dead (during burial ceremonies)
七日 qīrì seven days
怨气 yuànqì grievance; resentment; complaint
郁结 yùjié to suffer from pent-up frustrations; mental knot; emotional issue
作祟 zuòsuì haunted; to haunt; to cause mischief
行凶 xíngxiōng violent crime; to commit a violent act (assault or murder)

The mini history lesson in the author's commentary was helpful.