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墨香铜臭《魔道祖师》霸道含光君的疯癫小逃妻???Chapter 11 [Vocabulary]

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Feb 20


cuòluò yǒuzhì

in picturesque disorder (idiom); irregular arrangement with charming effect



to envelop; to shroud


仿 fǎng to imitate; to copy

若 ruò to seem; like; as; if

置身 zhìshēn to place oneself; to stay

仙境 xiānjìng fairyland; wonderland; paradise

云海 yúnhǎi sea of clouds


清晨 qīngchén early morning

雾气 wùqì fog; mist; vapor

弥漫 mímàn to pervade; to fill the air; diffuse; everywhere present;

permeated by (smoke); filled with (dust);

to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc)

晨曦 chénxī first rays of morning sun; first glimmer of dawn

朦胧 ménglóng hazy

与 yǔ and; to give; together with

它的 tāde its

名字 míngzi name (of a person or thing)

相得益彰 xiāng déyì zhāng to bring out the best in each other (idiom);

to complement one another well

云 yún cloud; (Chinese surname); abbr. for Yunnan Province 云南省

深 shēn deep; depth; deeply; (of a color) dark

不知 bùzhī not to know; unaware; unknowingly

处 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell; to be in; to be situated at; to stay


静 jìng still; calm; quiet; not moving

心如止水 xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ to be at peace with oneself

唯有 wéiyǒu only

寂寥 jìliáo (literary) quiet and desolate; lonely; vast and empty

寒 hán cold; poor; to tremble

山 shān mountain; hill; anything that resembles a mountain

禅 chán dhyana (Sanskrit); Zen; meditation (Buddhism)

意 yì idea; meaning; thought; to think; wish; desire; intention; to expect

嚎哭 háokū to bawl; to cry; to wail; to howl; also written 号哭

哆嗦 duōsuo to tremble; to shiver; uncontrolled shaking of the body

张望 zhāngwàng to look around; to peep (through a crack); to peer at; to throw a look at

喧哗 xuānhuá uproarious; to make a racket

飘飘然 piāopiāo rán elated; light and airy feeling (after a few drinks); smug and conceited; complacent

轻佻 qīngtiāo frivolous; coquettish

调笑 tiáoxiào to tease; to poke fun at

套路 tàolù sequence of movements in martial arts; routine; pattern; standard method


别 bié to leave; to depart; to separate; to distinguish; to classify; other; another; don't ...!; to pin; to stick (something) in; (Chinese surname)

经年 jīngnián for years; year after year

把持 bǎchí to control; to dominate; to monopolize

温润 wēnrùn gentle; kindly; mild and humid (climate)




蓝 lán blue; indigo plant; (Chinese surname)

涣 huàn to dissipate; to dissolve

泽 zé pool; pond; (of metals etc) luster; favor or beneficence; damp; moist

芜 wú overgrown with weeds

君 jūn monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler

蓝 lán blue; indigo plant; (Chinese surname)

曦 xī light of day

臣 chén state official or subject in dynastic China; I, your servant

风姿 fēngzī good looks; good figure; graceful bearing; charm


清 qīng clear; distinct; quiet; just and honest; pure; to settle or clear up

煦 xù balmy; nicely warm; cozy

温雅 wēnyǎ gentle; refined


款款 kuǎnkuǎn leisurely; sincerely

温柔 wēnróu gentle and soft; tender



敛 liǎn to hold back; to restrain; to control (oneself); to collect

芳 fāng fragrant

尊 zūn senior; of a senior generation; to honor; to respect; honorific

金光 jīnguāng golden light; ray

瑶 yáo jade; precious stone; mother-of-pearl; nacre; precious

麟 lín variant of 麟; female unicorn; see 麒麟

清谈 qīngtán light intellectual conversation


轩 xuān pavilion with a view; high; tall; high fronted, curtained carriage (old);

(Chinese surname)

异母 yìmǔ (of siblings) having the same father but different mothers

地砖 dìzhuān floor tile


甚 shèn what; very; extremely; any

笃 dǔ serious (illness); sincere; true

结义 jiéyì to swear brotherhood

叔父 shūfù father's younger brother; uncle

目送 mùsòng to follow with one's eyes (a departing guest etc)

森严 sēnyán strict; rigid; tight (security)

沿途 yántú along the sides of the road; by the wayside

嘻哈 xīhā hip-hop (music genre) (loanword)

巡逻 xúnluó to patrol (police, army or navy)

踱步 duóbù to pace; to stroll

对策 duìcè countermeasure for dealing with a situation

沁人心脾 qìn rénxīn pí to penetrate deeply into the heart (idiom); to gladden the heart; to refresh the mind


醇 chún alcohol; wine with high alcohol content; rich; pure; good wine; sterols

地窖 dìjiào cellar; basement

恪守 kèshǒu to scrupulously abide by

灵光 língguāng divine light (around the Buddha); a halo; a miraculous column of light;

(slang) jolly good!

窥伺 kuīsì to spy upon; to lie in wait for (an opportunity)

白皙 báixī fair; white; blonde

侧 cè the side; to incline towards; to lean; inclined; lateral; side


流畅 liúchàng flowing (of speech, writing); fluent; smooth and easy

锁骨 suǒgǔ collarbone; clavicle

The description of 云深不知处 is so beautiful.

I am surprised, there is no comment from the author.


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