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曹雪芹《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions, Volume 1

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

I started reading 红楼梦 HóngLóu Mèng A Dream of Red Mansions by 曹雪芹 Cáo XuěQín translated into English by the husband and wife team 杨宪益 Yáng Xiànyì and Gladys Yang on March 13, 2021 and thought maybe I should record my favorite quotes.

The audiovisual book in simplified Chinese of the first 80 chapters is available here (there are some discrepancies between the audio and the visual):

The audiobook in Mandarin:

Chinese text with scroll over pinyin and English:

Free text in simplified Chinese:



Rereading the Stone is a podcast discussion from a Western point of view:

Chapter 1, p. 2

Strange to relate, this block of stone after tempering had acquired spiritual understanding. Because all of its fellow rocks had been chosen to mend the sky and it alone rejected, it lamented day and night in distress and shame.


Chapter 1, p. 6

The Reverend Void thought it over, then carefully reread The Tale of the Stone.

It says so right there, the name of the book is Story of the Stone, so why is it known as A Dream of Red Mansions?

Chapter 1, p. 7

So the Taoist changed his name to the Passionate Monk and changed the title of the book from The Tale of the Stone to the Record of the Passionate Monk. Kong Meixi of eastern Lu suggested the title Precious Mirror of Love. Later Cao Xueqin in his Mourning-the-Red Studio poured over the book for ten years and rewrote it five times. He divided it into chapters , furnished headings for each, and renamed it The Twelve Beauties of Jinling.

Okay ...

Chapter 1, p. 11

When false is taken for true, true becomes false;
If non-being turns into being, being becomes non-being.
Jiǎ zuò zhēn shí zhēn yì jiǎ, wúwéi yǒu chù yǒu hái wú.

I really like this quote, it is very Taoist.

Chapter 1, p. 22

"What is it that you just chanted?" he asked. I had the impression that it was about the vanity of all things."
士隐听了,便迎上来道:"你满口说些什么?只听见些 '好' '了' '好' '了'。"
Shì yǐn tīngle, biàn yíng shànglái dào: "Nǐ mǎnkǒu shuō xiē shénme? Zhǐ tīngjiàn xiē hǎo le hǎo le."

This is actually quite funny in the original but the humor is lost in translation. This is difficult to translate because the poem that is being referenced repeats the words "good" and 了 "it is so" in every line. 了 used in the referenced poem doesn't have meaning by itself, it is a modal particle intensifying preceding clause and can also be used as a completed action marker. When the words 好 and 了 are put together as 了, it means "okay" or "alright".

"If you gathered that, you have some understanding," the Taoist remarked. "You should know that all good things in this world must end, and to make an end is good, for there is nothing good which does not end. My song is called All Good Things Must End."
那道人笑道:“你若果听见 ‘好’ ‘了’ 二字,还算你明白:可知世上万般,好便是了,了便是好。若不了,便不好;若要好,须是了。我这歌儿便叫《好了歌》。”
Nà dàoren xiào dào:“Nǐ ruò guǒ tīngjiàn ‘hǎo’‘le’ èr zì, hái suàn nǐ míngbái: Kězhī shìshàng wànbān, hǎo biàn shìle, le biàn shì hǎo. Ruò bùliǎo, biàn bù hǎo; ruò yàohǎo, xū shìle. Wǒ zhè gē er biàn jiào “hǎole gē”.”

Here the word 了 means "finish" or "end".

Chapter 3, p. 57

Just one thing worries me: my dreadful son, the bane of my life, who torments us all in this house like a real devil.
我就只一件不放心:我有一个孽根 祸胎,是家里的 ‘混世魔王’
Wǒ jiù zhǐ yī jiàn bù fàngxīn: Wǒ yǒu yīgè niè gēn huòtāi, shì jiālǐ de hùnshìmówáng

Chapter 6, p. 114

Bǎoyù yì sùxǐ xí rén róumèi jiāo qiào, suì qiáng lā xí rén tóng lǐng jǐng huàn suǒ xùn zhī shì, xí rén zì zhī jiǎ mǔ céng jiāng tā gěile bǎoyù, yě wú kě tuītuō de, niǔniēle bànrì, wúnàihé, zhǐdé hé bǎoyù wēncúnle yī fān. Zì cǐ bǎoyù shì xí rén gèng zì bùtóng, xí rén dài bǎoyù yě yuèfā jìnzhíle.

Baoyu was always fond of Xiren's gentle loveliness and charm. He forcefully grabbed both of Xiren's sleeves urging her to let him have his way. Xiren is aware that she was gifted to Baoyu by his grandmother, and therefore cannot make excuses. Embarrassed, she resisted for half the day, and to no avail, with no alternative, she had an intimate moment with Baoyu. From then on Baoyu treated Xiren differently, and Xiren served Baoyu even more conscientiously.

Translator: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

In the Chinese it is clear that the maid was not willing to have sex with Baoyu but eventually relented however in the English translation, this is less clear.

Chapter 7, p. 146

Nà bǎoyù zì yī jiàn qín zhōng, xīnzhōng biàn rú yǒu suǒ shī, chīle bànrì, nǎi zì sī dào:“Tiānxià jìng yǒu zhè děng de rénwù! Rújīn kànle, wǒ jìng chéngle ní zhū lài gǒule, kěhèn wǒ wèishéme shēng zài zhè hóu mén gōng fǔ zhī jiā? Yào yě shēng zài hán rú báo huàn de jiālǐ, zǎo dé hé tā jiāojiē, yě bù wǎng shēngle yīshì. Wǒ suī bǐ tā zūnguì, dàn líng jǐn shā luō, yě bùguò guǒle wǒ zhè kū zhū xiǔmù; yánggāo měijiǔ, yě bùguò tiánle wǒ zhè fèn kū ní gōu.‘Fùguì’ èr zì, zhēn zhēn bǎ rén túdúle.”

Chapter 8, p. 158

莫失莫忘 仙寿恒昌 一除邪祟 二疗冤疾 三知祸福

Chapter 8, p. 159

不离不弃 芳龄永继

Chapter 12, p. 223

Sure that it was Xifeng, he threw caution to the winds and barely had the figure stepped through the door then he flung himself on it like a ravenous tiger, or a cat pouncing on a mouse.
Jia Rui had just pulled down his pants and prepared to set to work when a sudden flash of light made him look up.
The figure on the kang said with a chuckle, "Uncle Rui was trying to bugger me."

First I had to look up the word bugger. Then I was surprised at Jia Rong's nonchalance. I wasn't expecting this level of detail, which isn't much compared to current trends, but still I was shocked.

April 17, 2021

Chapter 15, p. 281


Zhineng struggled in vain to free herself but did not like to scream, so she had to let him have his way with her.

Scream, girl, scream! This rape scene was upsetting to me.

Chapter 15, p. 282


(20:45) 宝玉不知与秦钟算何帐目,未见真切,未曾记得,此是疑案,不敢纂创.

"We'll say no more about it just now. I'll settle scores with you after we go to bed."
As for how Baoyu settled scores with Qin Zhong, what the eye does not see can only be surmised, and far be it from us to speculate.

I read that part and thought, what?!! My mind certainly did speculate ... is Baoyu bisexual???

This is my own translation after reading the original text:

Baoyu laughed and said: "There is no need to discuss it right now, after we go to bed, you will assiduously settle your debt with me."

As for how Baoyu settled scores with Qin Zhong, I can't recount because I didn't see what really happened with my own eyes, therefore I don't dare write about these dubious proceedings.

Translator: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

细细 xìxì careful; carefully

细 xì thin or slender; finely particulate; thin and soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal

算帐 suànzhàng to reckon (accounting); to balance an account; fig. to settle an account; to get one's revenge

宝玉 bǎoyù precious jade; treasures

不知 bùzhī not to know; unaware; unknowingly; fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc)

与 yǔ and; to give; together with

秦钟 qínzhōng Qin Zhong, younger brother of Qin Keging and a friend of Baoyu

算 suàn to regard as; to figure; to calculate; to compute

何 hé what; how; why; which; carry; (Chinese surname)

帐目 zhàngmù account

未见 wèijiàn not seen yet; have yet to see

未 wèi not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210°

见 jiàn to see; to meet; to appear (to be something); to interview

真切 zhēnqiè vivid; distinct; clear; sincere; honest

真 zhēn really; truly; indeed; real; true; genuine

切 qiè definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to

未曾 wèicéng never before

未 wèi not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210°

曾 céng once; already; ever (in the past); former; previously; (past tense marker used before verb or clause)

记得 jìde to remember

此 cǐ this; these

是 shì is; are; am; yes; to be

疑案 yí'àn a doubtful case; a controversy

疑 yí to doubt; to suspect

案 àn (legal) case; incident; record; file; table

不敢 bùgǎn not dare to

篹 zhuàn to compose; to compile; food; delicacies

创 chuàng to begin; to initiate; to inaugurate; to start; to create

Chapter 20, p. 396

... he had come to the conclusion that while human beings were the highest form of creation, the finest essences of Nature were embodied in girls, men being nothing but the dregs and scum. To him, therefore, all men were filthy clods who might just as well not have existed.

Amen! As a friend said, "Inherent truths always withstand the test of time."

Chapter 21, p. 412

Xifeng lost no time in having a room cleared out for sacrifice to the Goddess of Smallpox.

I wasn't aware that the Goddess of Smallpox even existed. Now I need an extra goat for sacrifices. Wait, it was eradicated in 1980. Maybe she got mad that no one gave her sacrifices anymore so she sent us a new virus.

Chapter 21, p. 415

Jia Lian was the sort of man who once away from his wife was bound to get into mischief. Two nights alone were more than he could bear: he vented his ardour on his handsome page boys.

I think the universe knew it had to wait until I reached my BL age before allowing me to continue reading this book.

Chapter 22, p. 431

"For everyone? Let them oblige each other while 'naked I go without impediment.'"

I am really curious what the original Chinese was for this quote.

April 20, 2021

Chapter 23, p. 447

He clung like a limpet to the Lady Dowager, too terrified to leave her.

This is inspiring, I shall strive to be a limpet. Limpets have many admirable qualities such as not wearing pants. My selfie (I'm the one on the bottom center):

May 3, 2021

Chapter 24, p. 462

"Good sister, let me taste the rouge on your lips!"
With this smiling appeal he clung to her like sticky toffee.

I can never tell if he's more into women's makeup or the women themselves.

Chapter 24, p. 466

He called on his maternal uncle Bu Shiren ...

"Bu Shiren" is a homophone for "not a human being", this had me cracking up. Cao XueQin is so witty.

Chapter 27, p. 531

But Siqi had just emerged from a cave and stopped to fasten her skirt.

Okay, did I miss something? Who is Yingchun's maid secretly sleeping with? Was this foreshadowed or is this the foreshadowing?


Chapter 28, p. 561

A mosquito buzzes, hum-hum.
Two flies drone, buzz-buzz.

Xue Pan is hilarious. I especially like his opening line of "The girl's sorrow: she marries a queer."

May 4, 2021

Chapter 30, p. 595

" What if I should die?"
"I'd become a monk."

Gut wrenching moment.


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