I finished reading all 81 chapters of Dào Dé Jīng and completed my goal of reading one Chinese book before the end of the year :)
Apparently the trick is to pick a book with very short chapters.

繟 chǎn
1. 宽松的丝带。
Kuānsōng de sīdài.
Loose ribbon
宽松 kuānsōng to relax (policy); relaxed
丝带 sīdài ribbon
宽 kuān wide; broad; loose; relaxed; lenient; (Chinese surname)
松 sōng loose; to loosen; to relax; floss (dry, fluffy food product made from
shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling)
丝 sī silk; thread; trace; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips; classifier: a thread (of
cloud, smoke etc), a bit, an iota, a hint (of something) etc
带 dài band; belt; girdle; ribbon; tire; area; zone; region; to wear; to carry; to take
along; to bear (i.e. to have); to lead; to bring; to look after; to raise
2. 舒缓;坦然。[unperturbed, calm, at ease]
舒缓 shūhuǎn to ease (tension); to relax; to cause something to relax; to alleviate;
relaxed; easy and unhurried; leisurely; soothing; mild (slope)
坦然 tǎnrán calm; undisturbed
繟 chán
〔Chǎn lián〕 liánmián bùduàn de yàngzi.
Continuous without interruption
联 lián to ally; to unite; to join; (poetry) antithetical couplet
连绵 liánmián continuous; unbroken; uninterrupted; extending forever into the
distance (of mountain range, river etc)
连 lián to link; to join; to connect; continuously; in succession; including; (used
with 也, etc) even; company (military); (Chinese surname)
绵 mián silk floss; continuous; soft; weak; mild-mannered (dialect)
不断的 bùduàn de unceasingly
样子 yàngzi appearance; manner; pattern; model
繟 chǎn
〈形〉形容词 xíngróng cí adjective
(1) 宽绰,舒缓 [generous]
宽绰 kuānchuò spacious; generously proportioned
宽 kuān wide; broad; loose; relaxed; lenient; (Chinese surname)
绰 chuò generous; ample; wide; spacious; well-off; to grip
舒缓 shūhuǎn to ease (tension); to relax; to cause something to relax; to
alleviate;relaxed; easy and unhurried; leisurely; soothing; mild (slope)
舒 shū to stretch; to unfold; to relax; leisurely; (Chinese surname)
缓 huǎn slow; unhurried; sluggish; gradual; not tense; relaxed; to
postpone; to defer; to stall; to stave off; to revive; to recuperate
Chǎn rán'ér shàn móu. —— <Lǎozi· qīshísān zhāng>
善谋 prudent
善 shàn good (virtuous); benevolent; well-disposed; good at something; to
improve or perfect
谋 móu to plan; to seek; scheme
(2) 又如:繟然(坦然,宽舒的样子)
Yòu rú: Chǎn rán (tǎnrán, kuānshū de yàngzi)
坦然 tǎnrán calm; undisturbed
坦 tǎn flat; open-hearted; level; smooth
宽舒 kuānshū happy; carefree
宽 kuān wide; broad; loose; relaxed; lenient; (Chinese surname)
舒 shū to stretch; to unfold; to relax; leisurely; (Chinese surname)
繟然 chǎn rán
安然 ānrán safely; peacefully; at a rest
坦然 tǎnrán calm; undisturbed
《道德经》第七 十 三章
<Dào Dé Jīng> dì qīshísān zhāng
