bàn guǎng yǐ chéng zhèng cóng
半 bàn half; semi-; incomplete; (after a number) and a half
广 guǎng wide; numerous; to spread; (Chinese surname); base
以 yǐ to use; by means of; according to; in order to; because of; at (a certain date
or place); abbr. for Israel 以色列
乘 chéng to ride; to mount; to make use of; to avail oneself of; to take advantage of; to
multiply (math.); Buddhist sect or creed; (Chinese surname)
正 zhèng straight; upright; proper; main; principal; to correct; to rectify; exactly; just (at
that time); right (in that place); (math.) positive; height
从 cóng from; through; via; to follow; to obey; to engage in (an activity); never (in
negative sentence); (Taiwan pr. [zong4]) retainer; assistant; auxiliary;
subordinate; related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor
(Chinese surname)

bìng zhǒng shé ér bàn zhī
并 bìng and; furthermore; also; together with; (not) at all; simultaneously; to combine;
to join; to merge
踵 zhǒng to arrive; to follow; heel
舌 shé tongue
而 ér and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not); (indicates causal relation)
(indicates change of state); (indicates contrast)
半 bàn half; semi-; incomplete; (after a number) and a half
之 zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的); him; her; it

nà yào yòng shāng gōng yuán bǎo zhī shù
商 shāng commerce; merchant; dealer; to consult; 2nd note in pentatonic scale;
quotient (as in 智商, intelligence quotient); Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC);
(Chinese surname)
功 gōng meritorious deed or service; achievement; result; service; accomplishment;
work (physics)
圆 yuán circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency
(yuan); tactful; to make consistent and whole (the narrative of a dream or a lie)
堡 bǎo an earthwork; castle; position of defense; stronghold; used in place names,
often as phonetic bao for "burg" or "bad"
之 zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的); him; her; it
术 shù method; technique

cè qí tǐjī qǔ zhōu yǔ gāo
测 cè to survey; to measure; to conjecture
其 qí his; her; its; their; that; such; it (refers to something preceding it)
体积 tǐjī volume; bulk; area
取 qǔ to take; to get; to choose; to fetch
周 zhōu to make a circuit; to circle; circle; circumference; lap; cycle; complete; all; all
over; thorough; to help financially; (Chinese surname); Zhou Dynasty (1046
-256 BC)
与 yǔ and; to give; together with
高 gāo high; tall; above average; loud; your (honorific); (Chinese surname)

dànshì wǒ fǎnfù yànsuànguò
反覆 fǎnfù repeatedly; over and over; to upend; unstable; to come and go; (of an illness)
to return; reversal
覆 fù to cover; to overflow; to overturn; to capsize; variant of 復; to reply to a letter
验算 yànsuàn to verify a calculation; a double-check
验 yàn to examine; to test; to check
算 suàn to regard as; to figure; to calculate; to compute
