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西红柿女孩 Tomato Girl

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

作者:(法)露荷·蒙路布 文/图,武娟 译

Mandarin to English Translator 中英译者: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng Buy Me Tea


Zhège xiǎo gūniáng jiào mǐ lè. Tā fēicháng, fēicháng, fēicháng hàixiū. Zhǐyào yǒurén jiào tā de míngzì, tā jiù huì biàn dé mǎn liǎn tōnghóng! Kělián de mǐ lè!

This little girl is called Millie. She's very, very, very shy. If anyone calls her name, her entire face will turn red! Poor Millie!


Zài xuéxiào de cāochǎng shàng, tóngxuémen zuì xǐhuān de yóuxì, jiùshì mǐ lè de liǎn biàn yánsè. Mǐ lè de liǎn huì cóng dàn fěnsè biàn chéng méi gui hóng. Cóng “mǐ lè” biàn chéng “xīhóngshì”.

At the school playground, the children's favorite game is to make Millie's face flush. Millie's face will go from pale pink to rose red, transforming "Millie" into a "tomato".


Shàngkè de shíhòu, rúguǒ lǎoshī jiào dào tā de míngzì, tā huì mǎshàng xīntiào jiāsù, hūxī kùnnán. Suīrán tā míngmíng zhīdào dá'àn, dànshì dá'àn què zǒng shì duǒ zài nǎozi lǐ, bù kěn chūlái. Méiyǒu yīgè rén tīng dàoguò mǐ lè xiǎo dé bùnéng zài xiǎo de shēngyīn. Cónglái méiyǒu!

In the classroom, if the teacher calls her name, immediately her heart will start to race and it becomes difficult to breathe. Even though she knows the answer, the answer always hides in her mind refusing to come out. No one has ever heard Millie's quiet, impossibly quiet, voice. Never!


Zài miànbāo diàn de āyí miànqián (nà shì chángcháng sòng táng gěi tā de āyí ó), mǐ lè yě shuō bu chū yīgè zì. Línjū jiā de xiǎo gūniáng lái mǐ yuè jiā wán, mǐ lè yě hàixiū dé bùzhī suǒ cuò.

Even with the lady at the bakery (the one who often gives her candy), Millie cannot utter a single word. When the neighbor's little girl comes over to play, Millie is so bashful she turns into a complete bundle of nerves.


Kělián de mǐ lè, tā cónglái bu gǎn hé tóngxuémen yīqǐ wán tiàofángzi, tóngxuémen yě bù yuànyì hé mǐ lè yīqǐ wán.

Poor Millie, she never had the courage to join the other children in playing hopscotch, and the other children do not want to play with her.


Zhèxiē hái bù suàn shénme. Zuì zuì kěpà, zuì zuì bēicǎn, zuì zuì ràng rén dānxīn de, zhè bèizi zuì ràng mǐ lè hàipà de, shì míngtiān. Yīn wéi míngtiān tā yào zài quán bān tóngxué miànqián bèi shī!

But this is nothing. The most, most terrifying, the most, most horrifying, the most, most agonizing, the thing that scares Millie the most is tomorrow, because tomorrow she will have to recite a poem in front of all her classmates.


Mǐ lè dùguòle yīgè kěpà de wǎnshàng. Tā zài chuángshàng fānláifùqù, xiānshi zěnme yě shuì bùzháo, jiēzhe yòu zuòle xǔduō de èmèng.

Millie had an awful night. She tossed and turned in her bed and couldn't fall asleep, and when she finally did fall asleep she had many nightmares.


Kěshì dì èr tiān, mǐ lè bùdé bù yìngzhe tóupí qù shàngxué……

But the next day, Millie still had to brace herself and go to school ...





“Mǐ lè, gāi nǐle!”

"Millie, it's your turn!"


Mǐ lè de tuǐ fā ruǎn, xīn luàn tiào, tā hènbudé zìjǐ néng mǎshàng xiāoshī.

Millie's legs went weak, her heart beat wildly, she wished to instantly disappear.


“Tā de liǎn hǎo hóng ya!”

"Her face is so red!"




老师说,“怎么这么吵!你们以为这里是动物园吗? 是菜市场吗? 你们这些捣蛋鬼,不觉得难为情吗?她叫米乐。不叫西红柿!”

Lǎoshī shuō,“zěnme zhème chǎo! Nǐmen yǐwéi zhèlǐ shì dòngwùyuán ma? Shì cài shìchǎng ma? Nǐmen zhèxiē dǎodàn guǐ, bù juédé nánwéiqíng ma? Tā jiào mǐ lè. Bù jiào xīhóngshì!”

The teacher said, "So much noise! Do you think this is a zoo or a farmer's market? You rascals! Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? Her name is Millie, not tomato!"


Mǐ lè zhè cái fāxiàn tóngxuémen de liǎn hé tā de yīyàng hóng! Túrán, mǐ lè zhāng kāile zuǐ.

Millie noticed that her classmates' faces were as red as her own. Suddenly, Millie opened her mouth.


“Xiǎo niǎo."

"Little Bird."











"Yī zhǐ xiǎo niǎo,

bìng bù měilì,

suǒyǒu de dòngwù dōu cháoxiào tā.

Tā de yánsè hěn qíguài,

yǔmáo yě bù róuruǎn.

Yītiān zǎoshang, zài qīngchén de yángguāng lǐ,

xiǎo niǎo chàng qǐle dòngtīng de gē,

suǒyǒu de dòngwù dōu shēn cháng le ěrduǒ,

yuánlái zài bìng bù yàoyǎn de yǔmáo xià,

cángzhe zuì měilì de gēhóu!”

"One little bird,

not so pretty,

all the animals ridiculed it.

Its color is very strange,

and its feathers are not soft.

One morning, in the first light of dawn,

little bird sang an alluring song,

all of the animals perked up their ears,

apparently underneath these not so dazzling feathers

is hiding a golden throat!"



"The end."


“Tài bàngle!”



“Zhēn hǎo!”



“Zhēn liǎobùqǐ!”

Very impressive!


Cóng nèitiān qǐ, mǐ lè yǒu yīgè xīn wài hào,“mǐ lè xiǎo bǎilíng”.

From that day on, Millie had a new nickname, "Millie the Little Lark".


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