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她 She

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Oct 12, 2022


Zhōu Zàn <>


Zhège cí xūyào bèi kàn dào cáinéng bèi biànshì, zài hànyǔ zhòng

This word needs to be read for it to be discernible. With the Chinese language,


Guāng shì shuō he tīng bìng bùnéng dáchéng zhēnzhèng de lǐnghuì

while only speaking and listening, it is not possible to achieve true understanding.


Néng kěnéng de qíngkuàng, shì wùjiě de fǎ shēng

The only possible outcome is to be misunderstood.


Xiāng bǐ ér yán, wù dú de kěnéng xìng jiù xiǎo dé duō

In contrast, being misread is a lot less likely


Zài xiàndài hànyǔ zhòng, tā qiàrúqífèn de

in modern Chinese. She, at exactly the right moment,


Chéngxiàn chū tā de mìngyùn, sìhū yóulái yǐ jiǔ

manifests her destiny, as if waiting a long time


Dāngrán, rúguǒ nǐ bù xiāngxìn, bùfáng zǒng shì

to unfold naturally. If you don't believe it, try


Yòng nǐ lái dàitì tā, dāng nǐ zài shīgē zhòng chūxiàn

exchanging places with her. When you appear in the poem,


Nǐ huì bèi fàngzhì zài yīgè kāikuò de yuányě shàng

you will be placed in a wide open field


Hǎoxiàng tāmen hé wǒ dū bù cúnzài huò wú chù bùzài

as if they and I, all don't exist or is omnipresent.


Bù cúnzài qíshí zhǐ cúnzài yú xiǎngxiàng dāngzhōng

To not exist is actually to exist in the imagination


Ér wú chù bùzài, dàgài shì zài xūnǐ de wǎngluò shàng

and being omnipresent is probably to exist virtually online.


Translator 译者: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng


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