1. 传销 chuánxiāo multi-level marketing; pyramid selling
2. 吹嘘 chuīxū to brag; lavish praise on oneself or others
吹 chuī to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in
failure; to fall through
嘘 xū to exhale slowly; to hiss; hush!
3. 小资产阶级 xiǎo zīchǎnjiējí petty bourgeois
小资 (slang) petit bourgeois; yuppie; petty bourgeois
资产阶级 zīchǎn jiējí the capitalist class; the bourgeoisie
资产 zīchǎn property; assets
阶级 jiējí (social) class; caste
资 zī resources; capital; to provide; to supply; to support; money; expense
产 chǎn to give birth; to reproduce; to produce; product; resource; estate;
阶 jiē rank or step; stairs
级 jí level; grade; rank; step (of stairs); classifier: step, level
4. 共和党 gònghé dǎng Republican Party
5. 婊贝
婊 biǎo prostitute
贝 bèi cowrie; shellfish; currency (archaic); (Chinese surname)