Ins Choi

"Netflix and chill does not mean watch a movie."

"It's code for the bedroom rodeo."
暗号 ànhào secret signal (sign); countersign; password

"Buttering the biscuit."
射 shè to shoot; to launch; to allude to; radio- (chemistry)
满 mǎn to fill; full; filled; packed; fully; completely; quite; to reach the limit; to satisfy; satisfied; contented; Manchu ethnic group
双 shuāng two; double; pair; both; even (number); (Chinese surname)
臀 tún butt; buttocks
Comment: That sounds so much better in English than in Chinese.

"The beast with two backs."
双峰 shuāngfēng boobies; Shuangfeng county in Loudi 娄底, Hunan; (Tw) Twin Peaks, US television drama series 1990-1991
巨兽 jùshòu giant creature; huge animal
双 shuāng two; double; pair; both; even (number); (Chinese surname)
峰 fēng (of a mountain) high and tapered peak or summit; mountain-like in appearance; highest level; measure word for camels
巨 jù very large; huge; tremendous; gigantic
兽 shòu beast; animal; beastly; bestial
Comment: That's like totally the opposite, instead of beast with two backs, it's "beast with four boobs" or maybe it is "beast with twin peaks"?

打炮 dǎpào to open fire with artillery; to set off firecrackers; to make one's stage debut; (slang) to have sex; to masturbate

"Gerald's a pussycat. They're just friends."
杰拉乐德 Gerald
杰拉 jiélā Gela (city in Sicily)
杰 jié hero; heroic; outstanding person; prominent; distinguished
拉 lā to pull; to play (a bowed instrument); to drag; to draw; to chat; (coll.) to empty one's bowels
乐 lè happy; cheerful; to laugh; (Chinese surname)
德 dé virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind; Germany; German; abbr. for 德国
软蛋 ruǎndàn soft-shelled egg; (dialect) coward
软 ruǎn soft; flexible
蛋 dàn egg; oval-shaped thing; variant of 蜑