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Kim's Convenience Season 1 Episode 6 [Vocabulary]

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Ins Choi

原料 yuánliào raw material

人参 rénshēn ginseng

原 yuán former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source; (Chinese surname); (Japanese surname) Hara

料 liào material; stuff; grain; feed

参 shēn ginseng; one of the 28 constellations

This coming from a man who thinks that corporal punishment is de rigueur.

de rigueur (adj.) strictly required, as by etiquette, usage, or fashion.

体罚 tǐfá corporal punishment

约定俗成 yuēdìng sú chéng established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement; customary convention; de rigueur

体 tǐ body; form; style; system; substance; to experience; aspect (linguistics)

罚 fá to punish; to penalize

约定 yuēdìng to agree on something (after discussion); to conclude a bargain; to arrange; to promise; to stipulate; to make an appointment; stipulated (time, amount, quality etc); an arrangement; a deal; appointment; undertaking; commitment; understanding; engagement; stipulation

俗 sú custom; convention; popular; common; coarse; vulgar; secular

成 chéng to succeed; to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to become; to turn into; to be all right; OK!; one tenth; (Chinese surname)


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