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Kim's Convenience Season 1 Episode 3 [Vocabulary]

Writer's picture: 鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng鸑岚朠 Yuè LánYīng

Updated: Jul 29, 2021

Ins Choi

No post for season 1 episode 2.

裸体图片杂志 luǒtǐ túpiàn zázhì nude photo magazine

裸体 luǒtǐ naked

图片 túpiàn image; picture; photograph

杂志 zázhì magazine

裸 luǒ naked

疯子色情照摄影师 crazy porno photographer

疯子 fēngzi madman; lunatic

色情 sèqíng pornography; sex

照 zhào according to; in accordance with; to shine; to illuminate; to reflect; to look at (one's reflection); to take (a photo); photo; as requested; as before

摄影师 shèyǐng shī photographer; cameraman

摄影 shèyǐng to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie)

摄 shè to take in; to absorb; to assimilate; to act for; to take a photo; photo shoot; photo; to conserve (one's health)

佣金 yòngjīn commission

雇 gù to employ; to hire; to rent

文艺复兴 wényì fùxīng the Renaissance

时期 shíqī period; phase

文艺 wényì literature and art

复兴 fùxīng to revive; to rejuvenate; Fuxing district of Handan city 邯郸市, Hebei; Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county 桃园县, north Taiwan

兴 xīng to rise; to flourish; to become popular; to start; to encourage; to get up; (often used in the negative) to permit or allow (dialect); maybe (dialect); (Chinese surname)

洞进 Korean for "poop needle" 똥침 ddong chim; 千年杀

prank performed by clasping the hands together in the shape of an imaginary gun and attempting to poke an unsuspecting victim's anus, often while exclaiming "Ddong chim!"

洞 dòng cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers)

进 jìn to go forward; to advance; to go in; to enter; to put in; to submit; to take in; to admit; (math.) base of a number system; measure word for sections in a building or residential compound

千年 qiānnián millennium

杀 shā to kill; to murder; to attack; to weaken or reduce; to smart (dialect); (used after a verb) extremely

捅 tǒng to stab; to poke; to prod; to nudge; to disclose

肛门 gāngmén anus

肛 gāng anus

疑似 yísì to be suspected to be

性骚扰 xìng sāorǎo sexual harassment

模棱两可 móléng liǎngkě equivocal; ambiguous

疑 yí to doubt; to suspect

似 sì to seem; to appear; to resemble; similar; -like; pseudo-; (more) than

骚扰 sāorǎo to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass

骚 sāo trouble; disturbance; rumpus; flirty; coquettish; abbr. for 离骚; literary writings; smell of urine; foul smell; male (animal) (dialect)

扰 rǎo to disturb

模棱 móléng ambiguous; undecided and unclear

两可 liǎngkě both options are plausible

模 mó to imitate; model; norm; pattern

棱 léng corner; edge; arris (sharp ridge formed by two surfaces meeting at an edge); protrusion

引 yǐn to draw (e.g. a bow); to pull; to stretch something; to extend; to lengthen; to involve or implicate in; to attract; to lead; to guide; to leave; to provide evidence or justification for; old unit of distance equal to 10 丈, one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters

遐想 xiáxiǎng reverie; daydream; to be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts

遐 xiá distant; long-lasting; to abandon

特种兵 tèzhǒng bīng commando; special forces soldier

风格 fēnggé style

忍者 rěnzhě ninja


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